
Plausible deniability because at the end of the day an all out war against humans isn't likely to succeed without laying a great deal of groundwork.

Plausible deniability because at the end of the day an all out war against humans isn't likely to succeed without laying a great deal of groundwork.

It also made the episode end up failing the Bechdel test.

It also made the episode end up failing the Bechdel test.

That doesn't make sense if the issue is sleeping with someone around his age.

I think that for all it's mystique Qarth still has some semblance of a notion of Rule of Law. So that means things like out right theft or murder need to at least be cloaked in some sort of legal manner.

It's actually addressed pretty early on when Theon and Jon go to the whore house why it is he's a 'nice guy'. Basically it all boils down to him not wanting to father any bastards. Combine that with a father like Ned Stark who actually seemed to genuinely care about him and it isn't to outside the bounds of reason for

@Plumerduck:disqus  I think the ending line about 'ancient gods destroying the earth?! wouldn't that be an entertaining weekend' was a bit of a bait for a sequel.

I think we can count last week's episode of Community as a body swapper. Abed does everyone and Annie swaps with Abed.

My guess is that either a line got cut explaining her absence or this episode was supposed to show after another episode between the Christmas episode.It just didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense that she wouldn't be invited given their budding romance in the previous episodes.

I agree that Schmidt is a good character to center an episode around but was I the only one who thought it dropped the ball by not mentioning Cici? The last episode had her dating a douchebag but at the same time accepting his gift of a horrible horrible smelling custom perfume.

Well considering little Miss Asbergers is part of the regular club now (which what she wanted from the beginning) the money that kept Shelby around will likely disappear and also the Trouble Tones.

I enjoyed this episode but am I the only one who found it somewhat ridiculous that an attractive young flight attendant would 1)pay for sex and 2)have the sort of money to afford a male prostitute?

Balancing between escapism and hard cold realism is what this show is about. I like to think that in addition to sleeping with crazy freaks Ray gets much of his income from having afternoon tea with lonely old retirees and fat self-involved boring housewives.  We just don't see those except in small excerpts like the

They've lampshaded her being a stereotype in the past. Her dad's a dentist.

Does it have whore butlers?

I think that's a pretty good summation of why Heroes fell apart. The first season's 'why' question was them exploring out the mystery of 'why me?' once that was solved you had a lot of characters with very little reason to stick together or continue on.

The AVclub editorial team certainly has a love/hate affair with Superheroes. Some of the staff obviously love the stuff while others obviously find the stories hackneyed and derivative.

I saw it more as using the Chrono Trigger since it's essentially the EXACT SAME WAY they saved the titular character in that little story.
I look forward to next season where the Doctor finds the Rainbow Tardus controls and recharges the Sonic Screwdriver before facing the First Question and defeating LAVOS in 1999.

The award goes to…
Symbiotic Titan.