Good Night Noodles

I never noticed before, but she has an awesome package.

"Well, what do you know?" "Food! Eating! The theater!"

"Oof. Rowsdower's got one of screendom's best rear ends."

The battle between Not-Our-Hero and Bob Evil at the end has some of the greatest MST3K fight scene riffing.

I actually think the Touch of Satan isn't half-bad. It certainly could use snappier pacing, but it has an interesting tone. Plus, that Granny is pretty creepy. The moment when she sneaks up on Jodie is fairly well executed.

"I think traitors get … life in prison?" 
"But you'll probably want to check with a lawyer on that. I dunno…"

"Wa- Wall S-Street J-Journ…"

Favorite Joel: Cave Dwellers ("NO!") or Girl in Lovers Lane ("Big Stupid?")

Opening credits sequences in MST3K are always a special part of the episode ("Drove through some credits a while back. That was pretty fun.") but Touch of Satan has a particularly great one. Tom, as always, has some great riffs on the theme music.

If I had to pinpoint one person, it was Roger Ebert. Being raised by evangelical missionaries, my family wasn't really keen on any culture that didn't include a healthy dose of Jesus. I developed an interest in film as a young teen, and between At The Movies and his online reviews, Ebert taught me more than anyone

Leprechaun 4: In Space is definitely one of the best enjoyable bad movies my old roommates and I watched back in the day. We also had a pretty good time with the Starship Troopers sequels—particularly the third, which has a slumming Casper Van Dien, naked mech pilots, and a musical interlude featuring this

If I remember correctly, he inhabits a space marine's body Alien-style through his urine stream and then pops out of the same orifice when the guy's about to have sex with another minor character. Any movie that takes the chestburster xenomorph a step further with a dickburster leprechaun deserves at least some credit.

I feel this way about the Joel and the bots cameo in Tobias' first episode. Mystery Science Theater 3000 in Arrested Development? I love it more than Zap Rowsdower loves beer.

I was beyond thrilled when Joel and the bots popped up. It's right in the middle of an already-hilarious episode, so I was having a great time already. But that really sent it over the top for me.

I'm glad that's the show he seized upon! It's fun to know that even people like Mitchell Hurwitz have very well-defined opinions about Girls.

Not to mention the fact that the past 10 years have only been kind to its reputation. I never saw the show during its original run, and neither did anyone else I know. This is all anecdotal evidence, yet I think it's safe to say the Arrested Development audience is a good deal larger than it was in 2006.

I knew when Todd brought up Girls, there were going to be some people out there with a lot of big feelings.

If God is just and these episodes live up to the original run, think of all the new references people like us will have! I confess I'm already partial to "This is the sign I've been waiting for" from the trailer.

Arya to Gendry: Sure, I want to leave Harrenhal, but there's this weird-looking Lannister guard in our way.

Yeeeeeees, the excitement! I can feel it! It's like someone with a fever is yelling at my pants!

Hey now. I admit its appeal is somewhat niche, but if you love Studio Ghibli or JRPGs, Ni no Kuni is a godsend. If you love both, like me, it's one of the best games of this generation.