Good Night Noodles

This is the appropriate response. 24 was rarely "smart people" drama (it had its moments!) but even at its worst (oh hai, Season Six!), it still had a few crowning moments of awesome (obnoxious parenthetical).

I too read that as "If my day had to be circumcised by Jon Cryer" and I probably wasted a whole minute thinking about what that could possibly mean before I noticed my error.

Her death reminded me of artwork depicting Saint Sebastian's martyrdom. Maybe if she's lucky, the High Septon will declare her the patron saint of plot exposition, brothel management, and playing with her ass.

I had the exact same gut reaction. I don't want to trivialize this man's death by being happy Charlie Day is still alive, but then again, I suppose we can use that as a solace whenever something tragic happens.

My condolences on your troubles. It sounds like you've really taken control of your situation and have every capability of moving past it, but wow, that's a hell of a lot to go through. Fuck that motherfucking Alex Jones and his stupid, destructive fear-mongering.

I'm not sure there's a modern state capable of sustaining the sheer volume of pratfalls, banjos and sundresses that would descend upon mankind with the advent of the New Girl Order.

I'm rewatching 24 right now, and after some deliberation, I decided not to outright skip Season 6. It's … well, it's not AS bad as I remember. There are some interesting moments and exciting set pieces interspersed among the really ridiculous stuff (this was the season with the WORST office relationship drama in a

That's a good point. I'm not one to discount Bay out of hand. At his best, he gives us dumb fun (I still believe The Rock is a 90s action staple), but I bet a subtle touch could have made this movie as thematically interesting as it is outrageous. Anyway, I will still watch this and give it a fair shake, but it's too

People underestimate obsessed Patton Oswalt fans at their own peril.

I'm actually a little sad to see the negative reviews coming in, because despite the Bay factor, the source material is so insane that I figured something good HAD to come from it. I guess we can only imagine what filmmakers like the Coen Brothers could have done with this story.

I think you're absolutely right.

Oh, well done!

I applaud Mr. DeKnight going far, far above and beyond the call of duty with this show. The Spartacus crew easily could have settled for getting in the required action, blood and nudity and phoned in the rest. That the series became one of the most well-paced, entertaining and emotionally affecting shows in an age of

Perhaps somewhat pedantic, Flexo, but I acknowledge your corrections.

I have nothing more to add, except that I loved that touch. Like Cersei's "I heard you lost your nose, but it's not nearly that bad," in the first episode, I gobble up what crumbs the writers give me.

I was never that interested in Edmure in the books, but when I heard Tobias Menziez was taking the part, my interest increased tenfold. His work in Rome, as with most actors in that show, was just magnificent.

Sorry, Lux, but I got up and did a little jig when the song arrived. I love The Hold Steady. And I love The Bear and the Maiden Fair. And I love these books. And I love this show. And I love this character moment. And when all these elements converged into one moment of glory, I had my Singing In The Rain moment.

That's where I thought the scene was going, too. It seems odd that a show with a knack for economy would waste, —what? Ten percent of the running time? —to a lame sex joke.

Sure enough, I'm keeping a close eye on the non-readers to see how they start viewing Jaime after this. For me, it was around the bear pit scene in the books I had a whiplash moment, where I thought, "When did I start liking this guy?"

I'm sorry. The world is a cruel place, and as wiser men than me have observed, everyone's a critic. Let's take comfort from tonight's episode: at least pop culture junkies don't chop off your hand when they don't like your material.