Good Night Noodles

ABC Family! Look at what you've done! Mr. Nolan spent a lot of work on his nice movie, and now it's just ruined. You go apologize to Mr. Nolan, and then you are grounded, mister!

This is far from an original observation, but my god, Commando might be the greatest, gayest thing that straight men routinely idolize. The moment Ahnold starts rowing to shore in a tiny speedo is doubtlessly the moment many American husbands begin looking at their wives with confirmed disinterest.

I'm entirely with you. I'm not an emotional person, but The Tree of Life made me bawl like an infant, and the day after I watched it, simple things like rays of light through the clouds seemed to mean more to me. I feel like a bit of a dork for just typing that, but what can I say? Like Brad Pitt in that movie, too

I love a good propulsive, narratively-driven film, but The Tree of Life is absolutely something special. It contains beauty and truths that you simply don't see in many movies. Honestly, a narrative is not essential to a movie. I'm also reminded of Inland Empire, which didn't need a coherent story to be the most

If you don't mind watching stuff on Youtube, pretty sure you can watch most episodes that way. I don't know if this is new or useful information to you, but I figure it can't hurt to mention it!

Sam, my patent papers are wondering why we've stopped!
Lucky guy, he's about to find out I'm Ben Murphy. 
Sam, my patent papers are at a slight angle! What's going on?
Well, my brakes are out … Abby's some gal! 
Sam, I'm blown to several thousand bits, and I have to finish my patent papers!
I'm sorry I said you were as

Have you seen the MST3K episode Riding With Death? I envision a gritty reboot with LL Cool J as the invisible secret agent Sam Casey, Brad Paisley as the country-singing bumpkin trucker, and, I don't know, Larry the Cable Guy as the shady inventor of tripolodine.

It's actually kind of adorable that he thinks people didn't like the song because of its complexity in the exploration of race relations.

She really is. That scene between her and Joffrey was so well done, with some terrific acting by both individuals. I loved Joffrey's delivery of "It's not unheard of!" in response to Margaery saying women don't belong in a hunting party. Probably the closest Joffrey will ever get to bouncy and agreeable.

I have to say I'm not a fan of how morose and ballad-like this song is. I like my songs about LL Cool J assuaging white guilt in exchange for complete fashion freedom to be danceable, dammit!

I'm pretty sure they are! My sister is also a major Brienne fan, and Gwendoline Christie is so, so good in the role. Actually, in a series full of great casting, I'd be tempted to say she's the best choice of all.

I share your skepticism. I know there are records of people surviving crucifixion—I'm pretty sure Josephus discusses beseeching a Roman commander to take a friend down from a cross when he finds him crucified after the end of the Jewish rebellion. The guy goes on to live for several more years.

Sort of. They're making a new Jesus of Nazareth miniseries that will probably be wildly inferior to the original unless they have some way of making Robert Powell 33 again.

I first became really interested in film when I was about 12, at At The Movies was the first great meat-and-potatoes piece of media to feed that interest. I then started checking out Ebert's reviews online. I remember one night while visiting my cousin, we stayed up way too late not goofing off or getting into

For some reason, I can't reply to your reply, but the movie had the same impact on me. Tears were streaming down my face by the time it was over, and I couldn't even think of it the next day without my eyes getting wet. And I don't cry, like, ever.

I watched The Tree of Life for the first time about a week and a half ago, and speaking as one not prone to hasty judgement, it's the greatest movie I've ever seen. Not everyone feels this way. Some vehemently hate it. But in my book, there isn't a movie out there that tackles the Big Questions of Life more elegantly


The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that Charlie's creative process and motivation is more or less the same as Tommy Wiseau's.

"The Nightman Cometh" is most certainly one of Charlie's finest hours, right up there with his original Nightman composition and kitten mittens.Oh yeah, and, "WILD CARD, BITCHES!" Was there ever a better wild card than Charlie?

*Audience bursts into laughter*