Good Night Noodles

Oh wow, that's one of the saddest scenes in Deadwood. The look on Ellsworth's face when he realizes she's on laudanum — just heartbreaking and a fine job by Mr. Beaver.

Jim Beaver is active and engaging all over the place, from the big social media sites to IMDB. He actually answered a question of mine once, which delighted me so completely I didn't even know how to respond. He's an excellent actor and a smart, smart man.

I understand he meets his quota for whiskey, pussy and food on the regular. Usually brings in a little extra for the faro dealers, too.

I haven't seen the Gospel of John yet, and I really should since I've heard good things. Henry Ian Cusick tends to elevate pretty much everything he's in, and I could definitely buy him as (white, non-historical, popular culture-ized) Jesus.

It's cynical cash grabs like that stupid fucking book — and the series itself — that really sums up what is wrong here. I've moved on from my days as a member of the Fundy Christian Youth Brigade, so I don't necessarily believe anymore that Jesus is chilling in heaven keeping tabs on everything we do. But I'd like to

I was really happy when he showed up as Satan in that Super Bowl commercial this year. Now that's range for you!

This series is awful—on that, most discriminating people can agree. It's really too bad, because a Biblically-based series with better decisions made regarding narrative plotting and flow could be pretty cool.

I come from a similar background as yours, and unfortunately, my mother is not as discriminating as your father.

Maybe not my favorite festival experience, but probably my most memorable: I went to Sasquatch Music Festival in 2011 and accidentally got blasted out of my mind on a pot cookie.

I think Rooks is a masterpiece of an album, but Animal Joy comes pretty close to matching it in my book.

I'm thrilled that my hope expressed in the Iron and WIne video for a Shearwater or Okkervil River entry came to pass! Shearwater is an excellent band, and I'd happily rank Animal Joy among the best albums released in 2012.

Performers from Texas, eh? I hope Okkervil River or Shearwater get an entry in this group of videos! Some of Austin's finest, in my book, and I thought "Shearen Van Ettenwater" was the one of the best contributors to the 2012 Under Cover.

As far as I'm concerned, Taken has already been refined and perfected into the South Korean movie The Man From Nowhere. Sure, it trods some well-worn action movie ground, but the fight and chase scenes are excellent, the villains eminently hateable, and the climax packs a surprisingly emotional punch. It's on Netflix