
Pictured: the only way his failing body can now pass gas.

Talks with Not Me have broken down.

Talks with Not Me have broken down.

I rocked that on our 486SX back in 1994 or so. Don't think I ever finished either, but who cared, really?

I rocked that on our 486SX back in 1994 or so. Don't think I ever finished either, but who cared, really?

I heard Bobby Valentine invented the documentary format and cameras.

I heard Bobby Valentine invented the documentary format and cameras.

This made me think of the same thing. Wasn't the entrance under a trashcan lid?

This made me think of the same thing. Wasn't the entrance under a trashcan lid?

Alias had some ok fort/ lair pieces to it. Must be a JJ Abrams thing.

Alias had some ok fort/ lair pieces to it. Must be a JJ Abrams thing.

Can't we call it the "Family Guy Filler Gag" in the hopes they'll retire it? Ow. Ow. Ow. Owwwww. Ow.

Can't we call it the "Family Guy Filler Gag" in the hopes they'll retire it? Ow. Ow. Ow. Owwwww. Ow.

But does he have a collapsible toothbrush?!

But does he have a collapsible toothbrush?!

He's Canadian. Too polite to say "Non" or whatever the hell they say up there (but only if you ask them if they are not going to do something).