
So did you jerk slowly?

Agreed on Crystal Method. Talk about a '90s flashback: I was introduced to Crystal Method from the Playstation (ONE Motherfucker!) game "NOS". Game wasn't bad, soundtrack was awesome compared to anything from that time.

That's an interesting assertion. I'm a huge fan of both, but I'm not sure I see Rockford as "a lot more likable". Marlowe is more standoffish and principled, but Rockford isn't exactly touchy-feely. He's happy to treat his client like crap if he thinks either it will get things wrapped up faster or if they're not

Whoa, whoa, whoa, now just where is the love for Dennis, guys? You can't forget about Dennis. Like if you're watching season one of NYPD Blue for no good reason and thinking, "Who the heck is that mob boss . . . it's Dennis!" I kept waiting for him to let the cops off the hook after giving them a hard time as long as

And I think they will have a storage box there for the losers.

2012 was on last Sunday night. It being a Sunday night, that seemed like the perfect time for some over-heated summer blockbuster. We shut it off after about 5 minutes of people talking back in forth in some weather-related war room. I assumed the movie would be dumb, but not fucking boring.

Written by Shakespeare you say? Must be good.

Wait, if you hit someone with a cab you then have to hit them with an axe?

"which rules out anything from the Coach era"

Good Lord I miss that show.

I think "Norman's Conquest" and the earlier episode where they deal with homosexuality in a way that was less tactful than me in high school (well, it was an all-boys school) just have to be chalked up to time. It's not shocking some episodes seem dated; what's shocking to me is how well most of the episodes hold up,

It's AdBlocker and I love it.

You made me feel a little better. It's like working Trickle-Down Economics: rich people pay morons, morons spend it all.

Because there's no bones in ice cream.

Just caught an episode of "Hustle" a few weeks back on PBS, completely random. It was a little too cutesy, but if any more episodes appear, is it worth checking out? Think we saw the pilot.

Now you tell me where the line is.

Kirkman is currently in discussions with a few dear old friends about who he will screw out of future profits.

Good choice: I haven't thought of him since the '90s either.

We only just finished catching up on the series on Netflix— for me, the show was fantastic in seasons 1-4 but has been hit or miss since then. The real issue is you can kind of tell right away; about 5 minutes into this show, I turned to my wife and said, "This one isn't going to work, is it?" and she agreed. Had some