
They didn't have Lord Huggington??!!

Anyone see the intense irony here—and inherent futility in plastic surgery—if even a plastic surgeon can become "devastated" at being made fun of "for the way he looks"?

They eternally speak of needing to add "edge," to add "bite,"—"How are we to get younger viewers?" "Are the movies we honor relevant?" And then, the highlight is Lady Gaga paying tribute to The Sound of Fucking Music.

Guy sounds like a really likeable guy to rise through the ranks with.

What drags this one down for me is also the part of "The Critic" I always had to ignore: rushed and sometimes forced set-ups in order to reach the desired punchline. Even in 1995, airlines didn't announce arrivals via P.A., but that's needed to make the, "Hey, I'm landin' here!" joke. Also: "Pukahontas?" That does not

I hope he tells us to burn our pants tonight!

Wait, we can ignore installments in series that we don't like? If word of this gets out, Hollywood is ruined.

Sooo … do you like this guy or nnnnot?

I don't know, has 'Hey Jude''s quality diminished for you over the decades?

I don't know, after Will Smith's "Just the Two of Us," I'm all felt out.

Do I need entertainment reviews of nonfiction journalism?

Soooo … speaking as someone who knows nothing of all of this … does all of this qualify as entertainment?

"Let's party/I'm sorry I party." If Pink's singles were my girlfriend, I'd have recommended therapy to this manic-depressive and then dumped her years ago.

I wonder if that "uzi" is in fact the electric drill Maggie suddenly loves in Season 9's "Lisa's Sax." Oh, and uh … aye carumba.

And somewhere, Fan Man is angrily chasing after him, as the unlikely hero's feet dangle tantalizingly close to the ground. "Where ya headed, Joss…?"

"No, I would not do another [superhero film]. I was cured of that." —Ben Affleck, 2009

Guys, I got love for you all, but be advised, that does not preclude you from being murdered (by me). What don't you understand about that?

I always thought bending 'Jennifer [Lopez]' to rhyme with 'seen her,' 'Serena,' and 'Trina' was pretty lazy.

"Pay for" … "fan fiction" … I know those words, but that sentence makes no sense.

Ohhh, so YOU'RE the guy who points out that 'The Simpsons' isn't as good as it used to be. HEY EVERYONE, I FOUND THE GUY!