Ere I Am JH

Um, caps lock doesn't act like the shift key on the number row.

Movie soundtracks are the only reel music, in my opinion.

There's a place where there isn't porno?

I saw them several times in the early 90's, and they were always excellent. Once at the old 9:30 Club in DC (best venue EVER), and also at what is now the new 9:30 Club, where Green Day opened for them, along with Seaweed (who I love, but weren't particularly great live).

*Xzibit angrily tweets the band Crazytown's address*

A.V. Club

Looks like Peter North just gave up his anonymity on the a7x message board.

What do you call mayo that's been left out for a month and become grossly unappealing?

I thought you'd never punch a person with glasses.

That's an hourly rate.

I only read it for the barnacles.


Way to go, Tosh.Bro!

[suddenly regains lactose tolerance]

A Ramones t-shirt? Really?

How dare you?!?!? Assume no one else was using them, I mean.

"That's not a knife. This is a knife."

I wonder if he robed her virginity.

That's strike 3!

see also Amy Sedaris.