…or macaroni-elbowed.
…or macaroni-elbowed.
That's just what the literal media wants you to believe.
They probably could've put Twelve Monkeys in a room with a typewriter and come up with a better script.
The rich, healthy [Republicans] had zero motivation beyond outright cruelty to deny [public healthcare] to poor Earth-bound folks. The exploitation consisted almost entirely of denial of medical services that would have cost the exploiters nothing to provide while actually improving the servility of the exploited.
In the form of meteoric nickels, dimes, and quarters.
They will literally take anybody.
I think we all came here to make this comment.
Drake for the OST.
Not to be confused with the heavily-tattooed, multiple-piercing, ski-cap-wearing-in-the-summer nü-metal band, The Affects.
Oh yeah? Well, I got his straight edge. I GOT HIS STRAIGHT EDGE!
So the message here is poor Nazis are kind of all right.
♫ Don't be a dragon lady. ♫
Maybe urologist's office, not mine.
That's actually the title of the third movie. You know, because having the third movie with the same title as the second would be pretty dumb and all.
…and everyone, as Cosby would say.
Put a Birdman on it.
A lot happened the year of your 8th birthday.
Wow, those twelve years seemed to fly by like such a…, um…, what's the word..you know…like a…hell, I don't know, it was fast, all right?.
So Anonymous hates ISIS and Avenged Sevenfold? Checks out.