Ere I Am JH


Hint from Heloise:

Let me guess, they're dance rock.

The question is will they release them individually or lump them all together?

"When I asked if this was a too-muh, you told me it was benign…


"Low fat, my foot! You're that Land Shark ice cream and I know it!"

The door to Congress.

[picks mic back up, beatboxes]

I'm torn. On the one hand, I do love Let's Go to Prison. On the other hand, he gets to bang Veronica Mars every night.

Eff TMZ.

I'm reading it as a limp exclamation point.

The Lion King and II

It's the sole reason we come here.

Stream Weaver.

Carpe diem!

"Oh, hi Jack."

I wonder if they're arty?

"137 Reasonable Concussions Are Occurring"

♪ Swing low, sweet double-decker bus. ♪