
I love you Old Gregg, and your random non-sequiturs.

Best bit in the highschool gym scene:

@ Drunky:

Y'know what makes me feel old? Watching my old Seinfeld DVDs, and realising that the mid-90s were like a different era. When I was 13 and at school in the UK, me and a few of my mates thought we were so cool watching something that was such a cultural phenomenon in the US and noone else we knew watched

There was a time when they *might* have been - wasnt too much else going on around the time of 'Blood Sugar Sex Magik'. Dont beat yourself up too much.

Nice Boondocks reference, Fuck Yo' Rakes.

C'mon best Wiggum line has to be:

Barney dressed as Krusty in 'Kamp Krusty':


Hey Lobsters, haven't you got some offs to fuck?

Admission time: I saw Carol in the cinema with my dad when I was 6, and there's a bit when Beaker starts getting really sad for some reason, and to my shame (and probably my dad's), I burst into tears. He never took me to another movie again.


@ Serious, Enough Already:

Pepe is not only the best late vintage Muppet, he's the best Muppet full stop.

Well technically its not just a second playthrough, as you can only get all the stars in the game by completing as Luigi, then being given 2 'Grand Finale' stars, thus giving you 242 stars - the maximum.

Hell of a lot of Wii-slamming in this article.

lexicon, if you look at my original post, I pointed out that Seinfeld held a spot of large cultural relevance in the US during the 90s.

Shit, I started two paragraphs with 'personally' Why dont I ever proof-read before posting?!

So judging by the criteria for this new feature, its not going to be long till we see a write-up on 'The Contest' is it?

Yeah, some of these motherfuckers thought Synechdoche New York was pretentious? They aint seen nothing yet.