
This guy…he's not my kind of guy.

Certainly dont hope its classic 'issue' eps of sitcoms only, that would be dreadful! Definitely hoping its more along the lines of articles exploring exactly why episodes such as 'Final Grades' (The Wire) 'The Constant' (LOST) and 'Afternoon Delight (AD) are considered classics of television.

'A Very Special Episode'
So what do we think Noel's 'exciting' new feature is going to be?? Classic episodes of great (and not so great) TV programmes?

Couldnt care less about the other albums but 'Folie A Deux' was actually really good. They have absolutely no credibility in the hipster scene of course, but I thought Kyle did a good job of explaining that choice in the article.

Dad, you slept with John Cheever?!

At last! A thread made for me…you sexy prick Julian.

[on radio, to tune of "More, More, More"]
Moe, Moe, Moe,
How do you like me? How do you like me?
Moe, Moe, Moe,
Why don't you like me? Nobody likes me…

The author is British, so I imagine that Waldo came after Wally. This begs the counter-argument: why could the U.S. not handle the moniker 'Wally'?

But which is the better Ratzenberger mascot character? Hamm from Toy Story or The Abominable Snowman?

Insomnia and One Hour Photo are great films.

Insomnia, One Hour Photo?

No love for 'Brave Little Toaster'?

Delighted to see this film on the list, I saw it in my early teens and it was so genuine, tender and well-performed that I was determined to one day live life to the extent that I could act a character as authentically as Newman does in this film.

I think it would be ideal if this MYOF led into an associated TV Club review of 'The Boondocks'

I think Tobias hit the nail on the head there. I read an interesting interview with Haneke in a film magazine regarding Funny Games U.S. where he said the reason he's directing is because he couldnt prevent the remake from going ahead so he got himself attached. Couple that with the fact that most