
No Johnny, you're not wrong, you're just an asshole.

It sure was! Hee-hee!!!!

He moved to The Dissolve, that's why.

Dr Robuttnik wins the internet for today!

Beat me to it Ruddy goddammit! Jerry is fantastic when filming 'Jerry.'

I look forward to you becoming the Seinfeld equivalent of Lone Audience of the Apocalypse from the Lost TVClub thread - massive posts every week, often mentioning stuff that the reviewer has missed. Welcome lack of snark too.

They also have the geekiest DVD extra for any popular TV show - the 'Notes about Nothing' feature that is on every episode, with running totals of Kramer's entrances, the gang's partners etc.

Backwards episode is one of the greatest sitcom episodes of all time

I dont know what the fuck you two are talking about 90% of the time in this thread, but I do agree with Teflon that Jack and Kate's character development has been 'motion without a point', especially Kate.

Schiavelli was also great in Death To Smoochy as Buggy Ding Dong:

It really is an excellent film. How Loach got such an amazing performance from Bruce Jones (Les Battersby in Corrie) is beyond me.

In response to the two discussions in this thread:

Can i have a free 'nana'??!!

Hey, you know the thing I love about gingers?
It's that I get to have all the fun of being racist, y'know, discriminating against and insulting people just cos of the way their genetic makeup determined their appearance - except that they're white too, so it's ok!

You missed out the best line!

Agreed. I think the two examples you give in your last paragraph was what I hoped and expected from this column: that was not what we were given this week.

Applause, Penis. Applause.

I would say that buying the Complete Collection of Calvin & Hobbes was the best book investment I ever made.

I bloody loved Reboot, GirlThor - its fair to say it was 15 years ahead of its time, as all the kids shows these days have that kind of CGI animation, but none of them can hold a candle to Reboot.