
"How do Tony Stark's farts taste?" … "Like an 'Empire' of Rum Raisin."

Stay tuned next week, when Don Cheadle comes in a Sherrif Pope John Paul II

Ground starts to shake… "IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU SHAKE!"

You forgot lil' Edy!

Not enough Rock Bottoms.

I'd rather pay 10 bucks a month for NXT shows over the 30 Uverse wants for Destination America, athankyew.

Here's a fun tip! Isolate this week's commentary, and play it over NEXT week's Raw. I bet you'll notice NOTHING wrong with the commentary.

Is this real life?

And me? I'll miss the way you make sammitches.

.. and underprivileged man or woman who now also loves Arcade Fire for no apparent reason. Look Boo, hipsters can like brands that do good things too. Now, go drink some locally sources Tibetan mung bean tranquility tea, and chillax like it's 2003.

Do you detect that the AV Club is bitter because they didn't see a snarky review site located on the outskirts of Tomorrowland? Or maybe when they touched the pin, all they got was a Warby Parker box, and a coupon for a cold-brewed latte…

Stop it, Axel.

Stop it, Axel.

I suggest calling up Tyler Breeze to be Barret's queen.

Can't they splice together all the necessary dialogue for each of his characters via their decades of previous material? Someone at NASA get on this!

How does this NOT end with Harry tenting his fingers and exclaiming "…Excellent."?

I'd like to see Kane, Big Show, and Mark Henry team up to be the "Old Day" stable.

I think I'll grow a beard…

I wanted to hate on this article, but dag nabbit… you get the A for effort, AV club.

Please Alex McCown… try harder to be ironically less hip. You forgot to name drop the Bud frogs for posterity.