Mike Pipper

*Marmaduke walks out*

More to the point, the Dane Cook Mr. Brooks? Really?

Wings of Desire (spoilers)
Not only does Peter Falk talk about being Columbo, he also reveals that he's an angel turned human. I always guessed as much!

Geek Love
I watched this movie for the first time last year around the time of the first Wrapped Up in Books selection, and I thought it made really good companions to each other, though nothing in Geek Love was quite as heartbreaking as the relationship between the two dwarves here. Of course, nobody in Freaks had

I wish that we could see the 30 minutes cut after its release, including supposedly a climactic scene of castration.

Hey, it worked in "The Seventh Seal," why not here?

1989, two weeks before the Berlin Wall fell.

Meh. He was kind of terrible in both. Personally I'd take Gene Kelly and ELO over that douche from Commando.

According to the Cinema Snob, it's "The E.T. Of Vagina: One Settles of the Other World Or Specially Terrestrian: The Extraterrestrial One." No joke. Here's the clip to prove it:

How could you mention Reb Brown and not mention his classic role as Blast Hardcheese, Thick McRunfast, etc.? Wooo!

Cinema Snob
I don't know if anybody watches the Cinema Snob (a branch of the Nostalgia Critic), but he showcases various foreign knockoffs like "Turkish Star Wars," "Brazilian Star Wars," "Lady Terminator" and worse of all, "ET: The Porno." Those all look about 10 times as cheap and as terrible as any of these.

You forgot about the real payoff
to the Ghost joke on the sailboat.

Well, that's how he died you know.

Just go see the film. It's great (better than Tobias gives it credit for), especially with the twist. I won't tell you what it is, except that everybody in this thread has been wrong.

Wasn't Vermeer the Painter of Light (no trademark)?

a*hem, you forgot the advertising costs, which come to about 150 mill, and minus the intake by the theaters. It has a ways to go.

@ repo man,
Gus Van Sant's next movie was the one where Robin Williams talks about how his wife farted in bed.

That's just silly. If that were true, films would still be random pictures of people walking out of buildings like in the turn of the century. Once people have gotten used to the technology, directors will use it to make great movies. No sensation will last that long as merely that.

Tom Dey went to my high school
When he came to speak, I asked him how much he cared about his own vision versus everything else. He replied by saying that Hollywood is "show business," not show art. That this guy could become a total hack makes me sad, especially when he talked about all the films he watched at my

Not me, it's my second favorite of the year.