Mike Pipper

Yeah, I find that a lot of the negative reviews seemed to come from people expecting a "Joss Whedon" movie and were disappointed when they got something else. Also, I'm glad you pointed out that Whedon actually is playing with genres here. It doesn't have to be a superhero or horror movie to be a genre film.

I hates that rabbit.


How does Coily fit into God's plan for us?

If I could watch it live on cable TV, I would. As it is, I bought the VOD from Rifftrax.

I'm an icky elf!

You shove off!

What are you, some kind of fromikaidal maniac?

The three shows they did for National Geographic are good too, especially the demon bat one.

Stop it.

If it's any consolation, I hates that rabbit too.

*Tracks GentleHerpes to the Kunstmuseum*

That's a great episode of We Hate Movies.

Don't forget Richard Burton!

Directed by Lars von Trier in his second collaboration with Shia LeBeouf.

And "Afterschool."

I don't know anything about her standup work, but I thought she was great in Arrested Development. She did a really good job of grounding the show in a far grimmer reality than the first three seasons (which, unlike a lot of people, I liked), and reading this review, I can see why.

What about Chaucer?


At :54 seeing Bateman posed like that caused the Pavlovian response in me of expecting Vince Guaraldi to start playing.