
Even more than the rolling down the hill, I was DYING at the "I don't understand why my legs are so sore" cuts to her dancing with a baton in one hand and a hot dog in the other. So fucking random and SO hilarious.

I also loved that they were real apples that had oxidized, haha. Details.

His British shows (even British Kitchen Nightmares) are like night and day - he's supportive, funny, interesting.

I was just hoping he was referring to be like a stump removal person…

I agree. Pressure cooker >>> Soup. Could be done in an hour.

What you said!


Every time Natasha says how pretty she is, I cringe a little. Ugly? No. As pretty as she thinks she is? Absolutely not. Her cooking looked technically impressive and I wish she'd just shut up and let it speak for itself… But she won't, so I can't wait until (super gorgeous, incidentally) Jessie cooks her under the

I think Gordon alluded to how it looked like something had been murdered on the plate too, because it looked like a Dexter blood spatter on there.

Ehh I live in Boston and am served sad eggs more often than I am served perfectly runny eggs. Also while it's easy to poach an egg and eat it right away, I was impressed he cooked it perfectly enough that it survived the time between when they finished cooking and the time they ate it (which must have been far longer

Yeah, when I watched this I couldn't help but say "dick" out loud.

That's Hell's Kitchen, not Masterchef!

And then I'll hope for a Dark Knight Rises stadium scenario

@avclub-650791898dd05ac4d665569d95c8ba08:disqus  That's just an acting class. Method One!

NHL Western Conference Finals jokes I won't get to make this year :(

Free trip around the world, a lifetime of sure things to bang within "the family" (so gross, but that's what they call their alumni group), 5-15 minutes of fame… If you're young and bored/unemployed and slutty, I can see how it might appeal.

I like to laugh at it and bask in my perceived superiority over the contestants the way that you like to make comments like this and bask in your perceived superiority over people like me. Everyone has their thing.

With any luck, the weather will hold and I'll be sitting next to the Indians' (visitors) dugout at Fenway tonight instead of stressing out watching the hockey game, but GO RED WINGS.

You do not speak for everyone. I'm excited to see how this works. There are plenty of stories to talk about and I do not want to have to see Ted's relationship with this woman blossom; I want to imagine it because the TV portrayal of the relationship would be sure to disappoint.

I have no idea what your sarcasm level is, so I'm going to hope for the best (that it's high) and prepare for the worst (that it's low). The whole joke was that both Shivrang and Cece were forcing themselves into this marriage while they both really wanted people outside of their tradition. The whole joke is that he