
But I presume you're watching it(?)

Oh that's allowable as I have no real reason to make fun of Penguins fans. I dislike the Penguins for 2009, but hey - you were just getting revenge for 2008.

Todd, you should have let Erik write up at least the hockey portion of this. Go Red Wings.

Nobody should trust your hockey authority. If you're a Blackhawks fan, you've only been a fan for 3 years.

I was with you until you said Mindy should have been there. Why Mindy?

The whole point was that he DIDN'T drink. He was going to, he ordered the beer, he was preparing to do what he always does and drink away his problems. But he didn't - Winston stopped him. That was the whole point, that he broke his pattern.

What? It's been burned into our brains since youth from being replayed at every single bar mitzvah, every single middle school dance. Oh my god.

Not wrong. Mindy had a better half hour than New Girl. But New Girl is a better show. I said exactly what you said on twitter last night.

Dare I add, the best show of all time had a sophomore slump - Friday Night Lights. Thank god for the writer's strike.

She's above the Vicki Mendoza line. We can but assume.

Architects design what it should look like - engineers make sure it doesn't fall down!

Better than the people who decide to monopolize your expensive-to-travel-on holiday weekends. Labor Day weddings, Memorial Day weddings, NYE weddings, 4th of July weddings…

Me too. My boyfriend was like "hey, wasn't she on SNL?" and I had to pause and give him a 4 minute lecture about how yes she had been on SNL, but more importantly was on the late, great Happy Endings that he couldn't get into but I love eternally and that she is and was and always will be ah-mah-zing. He is probably

It feels even worse because the first "you're" is correct.


I don't think Sue has a real American Girl doll but I definitely used their clothing to outfit several lucky cats in my earlier years so I assumed they meant that sort of doll.

The "gave each other" threw me a little.

You and @avclub-d28c535297ee67dde54c801840d12f61:disqus are joking, but I live in Cambridge. That Friday night toward the end of lockdown, I was on zero sleep, freaked out by having been up listening to everything the night before and lacking the capacity to settle in with a book or conversation or cook up a meal with

So, I never watched this show for some reason. Then I accidentally sorta watched this episode (accidentally turned it on, stayed for the Denis O'Hare), and was hooked. So many great guest appearances, the acting has surprising poignance, and it also doesn't take itself TOO seriously. Thankfully Amazon Instant has the

@ColdGottoBe:disqus No… That's actually a catchy tune and there are no puppet looking robots. And no rapping.