
Enlightened had two seasons.

You're supposed to give sitcoms 6!


Please excuse me for expressing an educated opinion! This website isn't to analyze the structure as well as the content of TV shows or anything!

And there already was that guy who tried to melt his murdered girlfriend in a barrel full of acid because he saw it on Breaking Bad…

I cheered. I'm not ashamed.

You shouldn't be torrenting shows anyway. That's how PA's and other people low in the pecking order don't get paid.

My sister works for them, so I would prefer we avoid the nuclear option, thanks.

From the way they were acknowledging the "recipies" it sounds like they're more loose process docs rather than specific recipes with measurements, etc. I just got that impression from the way they were referencing whatever they were working off of.

I am fairly certain that, at his age, standardized tests in the city of Philadelphia also help determine which of the high schools you go to, which has direct impact on the rest of your future, etc.

@avclub-b9fe31dea5e76193f5750c3bb3fc095d:disqus Oysters and clams and such are sustainably sourced and do not have central nervous systems. They're so ethically squeaky clean that even the most violent of vegans often say "eh, go for it."

If you pan fry it and put it on top of sushi rice nigiri style and dip it in soy sauce, it's palatable. Will the sodium kill you? Yes. But will the taste be murder? No.

She's not a vegan and neither was her dish, it had goat cheese in it.

Between Eddie Jimmy and then Colin Hanks' appearance, Happy Endings really helped make their season of Dexter … something. Not watchable. But better somehow. Rest in peace, wonderful show.

Yeah, Erik was bleeding just from being awake and kept saying "I'm supposed to be dead during the day."

Oh I know, that puppy is always so cute. I love that they use real wolves on the show.

Yeah the Fellowship of the Sun was also trying to start a war on vampires. Like she said, it's everything they had dreamed of together, but with the resources to make it happen.

"Hey, Harvard."
"I went to PENN!" was such an incredibly typically douchey moment. And as a Penn alum, I loved it.

Wow, just wow.

In certain cities they've been deemed the "new cupcake."