
I'm not yet a parent but I always wondered why people don't just train their kids to go to bed later and wake up at a "normal" time. People complain that their (non-infant, obviously) child wakes up at 4am… I'd be up at 4am too if I went to bed at 7! On the other hand, I bet it's nice to have a few hours of quiet

@ColdGottoBe:disqus  It was something where robots were like, rapping about how to bathe yourself. Something like "put the shampoo on your head, and rub it all around" but I don't think that's the same as the "magical shampoo song" that my frantic google search is turning

I watched an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba at like 11pm once in my apartment alone like 3 years ago. It still haunts me.

Haha, yeah last Monday I was trying to pull up Friday Night Lights and my "Recently Watched" was like 3 movies that happened to be about people having babies. I tried to explain them away (it's true - I didn't finish any of them because they were bad and was just watching them for the people starring in them like

My friend may or may not share what may or may not share his cable with me in a way that is allegedly at least somewhat sort of sanctioned by his provider. Only for streaming content, though. But your coworker is completely rude for getting pissed that you wouldn't share.

Yeah, after a week of straight up fear and a day in lockdown, I found watching a few hours of completely trashy and stupid TV weirdly comforting.

Well to be fair, it was in the weakest group. Wicked Pissa is not great (though I'd try other beers from the brewery), Founder's All Day is the best *session* IPA I've had but is only 4.5% and tasted predictably watered down next to everything else (and was included as an experiment), and I've never liked Bear Racer 5

Left Hand makes a really good NOT stout that I just discovered, awkwardly called "Good Juju." It's super light and brewed with ginger - it's going to be a staple when it's 100* every day here in a couple of months.

I miss Russian River so, so much. They even distribute in the same 16oz bottles. However, a more accurate description would be that Lunch is the Blind Pig of the east since Pliny is the imperial. (And I prefer Blind Pig.)

I thought ramp season would skip MA… Thankfully not.

What's the name of the brewery?

Ok so between this and the cooking thread, the tolerability index is now one of my favorite places to talk about stuff on this site.

Is this like a thing people do every week to talk about what they cooked? Because I'm still really, really excited about the wild ramp and lemon risotto and citrus roasted spring chicken my boyfriend and I (well, mostly I) made Sunday to celebrate spring finally arriving (before all hell broke loose here). Gosh that

Yeah, I agree that it often feels frustrating, but last night it dawned on me that people actually need the logistical information like which streets are locked down, when they might expect to pick up their belongings, what to expect over the next couple of days. A lot of people didn't/don't have access to normal

I'm sorry if you and @UWIR:disqus  feel as though we don't have enough compassion for the "unreported world," but that's the way it is - I live here, two members of my family work in the building at the explosion site, and I couldn't get in touch with either of them for hours while I myself had a pretty scary time

Huh, more McKinnon and less Bayer and Strong makes an episode less funny for me. McKinnon's always mugging instead of just being funny and she has like one character that she shoehorns into all these roles. I think she'd be annoying as hell to be in an improv or sketch group with.

@avclub-734ffb84cfa214922893511fae356b45:disqus I know but I really, really don't  want them copping out of Axl's college plans, Haley-style.

Nice. Well I was thinking that - depending on how they handle Axl the college man in future seasons - he won't be around to rain on Sue's parade so much. She'll have a lot of opportunity for growth without her big brother stymieing her all the time.

The stupid "Thorpedo!" line kept bothering me because that's obviously been Ian Thorpe's thing since AT LEAST 2000.