
You say this like it's a bad thing.

At the risk of sustaining verbal abuse…

Why don't you just allow the joke to be a joke?

That is rude and just doesn't even make sense.

But… Why would he need to be there? Like I said, he already said goodbye. He knows it's not "real" Karen in there. Debbie was only there for Sheila. Having Lip show up would have felt petty; I found it much more moving the way they played it.

Disagree. We've all known for quite some time that Saul would probably be the only one to survive this whole ordeal. This changes nothing.

Right - a word or something is one thing, but he changed the whole punchline of a good joke!

@NFET - And to be fair, I had to ask my boyfriend to write down how to spell his last name on the same day we had the "we're boyfriend and girlfriend" talk, so I felt her pain.

I pretended that she would let him off the hook for a whole pizza (let alone three pizzas, jesus) after seeing how he didn't throw a fit about the first slice…

She was the only one doing it. Jess told her she was being weird and she was all "I need this" about the party (and the models).

I thought Santa Fe was a good look on the Mindy crew. Being out of their normal space allowed it to be more focused than normal. I thought it was a fun half hour and that the Jeremy/Morgan stuff lightened up Mindy's near-freakout (just like Danny mellowed our Mindy's near-freakout).

Yeah, I don't care if you make an aside joke like the one about the Knicks, but to be blatantly incorrect in re-telling a joke like the "you've been drinking"/"Danny you know I spilled most of my mimosa" exchange is kind of insulting. Like the show, don't like the show, whatever, but rewind the DVR to check the jokes

Her mom might not have known, they were so young and it sounds like he just took off in the night instead of having a "here's why it's not working: i'm gay" talk.

Lip said goodbye to Karen in the episode prior. Nothing more needed to be said.

I was thinking that it would affect his government financing, but when they said he had a free ride that means it's from school money. They already accepted him outside of "normal" channels, why would they care that his brother stole his identity?

Thanks for saying something - I was also taken aback at the use of the word, especially when talking about portrayal of a Serbian family…

PK Subban is disrespectful to hockey.

I fear for my family's welfare. I did take care to cut the screener # out of the picture I took of the screener disk like a nerd.

Haha, this whole review - and my horribly vague comment - are about as helpful as the "next week on Mad Men" tags, huh?

So, I've seen these episodes already, and I'll just say that this is the most I've enjoyed Betty in a long time. And also that it's dark, like… Beyond symbolism. And also we'll see what everyone thinks of the first 5 minutes of the whole thing. And look out for amazing hair all around. And I love Jimmy Wolk and having