
I can't believe I never wondered that before. Now there's a void in my life that can only be filled by her hosting.

Drunk audiences are the worst. It's so hard not to react to them, but you shouldn't ever react to them… Catch 22.

No Exit.

@Dikachu:disqus Haha, Ann Coulter is the one person I have reserved use of the word for.

Which just makes me think of Happy Endings, and makes me sad.

I agree, and I know they've been retconning these kids' ages as the series has gone on (Axl should really probably be graduated by now), but still. They should have thought it through last year.

I just got like, really (irrationally) angry about this leap year baby situation. Like 12 of us watch and love this show; I wish they'd treat us with a little more respect like being able to follow along with character information.

I loved this song so much because it reminded me of this ridiculous Canadian PSA from my childhood, actual lyrics "don't you put it in your mouth! don't you stuff it in your face!" http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Right except that people on leave often grow their hair and facial hair out as much as possible before going back. They'll cut it when he reports back.

?? They were, 2 years ago. It was reviled.

Not an American Horror Story fan, huh?

Pretty sure "I'm the child" is stolen from life and is as such open-source material by now.

Um, don't go to Hawaii.

Ready for the quail hunt!

@avclub-055fb09919c5f93cabbc9f499f90b1b5:disqus She's on "The Chew," which is the only thing I don't outright hate on daytime TV on days that I work from home.

@avclub-83e1fbae2343f8479668ac365eb99c3a:disqus I think they did technically have the same break. I think they filmed most of LCK during the initial filming (which was why they were on location wherever the people still on the actual show were), and then had their 6 month break, then back to compete in the last LCK

Yeah… I dated a senior when I was a freshman, a senior when I was a sophomore, a college freshman when I was a junior and another college freshman when I was a senior. And it was ALL FINE. I'm not from a religious family, just a family that raised me well and helped me learn to make good decisions* (and kept a tight

THAT'S WHAT SHE'S DOING. She's taking a job as a consultant, not his commissioned artist. She's compromising between what she really wants to do and what she is able to do. Sounds like an acceptance of limitations to me, like when ball players give up after too-long in the minors and become managers instead.

Because it's pretty boring or annoying when you're not the high one.

I agree with what you're saying - they even beyond "slightly" implied that a small part of her regrets having Marvin, she basically said that a small part of her regretted it because there was other stuff she wanted to do, and it was one of the best and most raw and realistic emotional moments in the entire series.