
He could have watched them faster than they're posting them, you know. It's not like he has to wait until Thursday to watch the show, write the review, and then post it on Friday (because, you know, it's all available). Completely possible he knocked it all out already.

Um, wow, tell us how you really feel. You and Mr "Chick Show" from up-thread can go hang out in your "no girls allowed!" tree house and jerk off together.


"Chick show"? You sound delightful.

Um, hold your judgements until you've seen all of HOC.

Damnit Heisler, you made me cry at the office with this review.

Gosh that was absolutely perfect.

I dated college freshmen both my junior and senior years of high school and the junior year relationship was a perfectly non-skeevy and respectful situation. (Senior year was, well, senior year, but I was 18 so whatever). Just saying, it can happen and be perfectly fine.

Yeah I thought that too, and then I had a weird moment about why are they making a "Marshall eats a lot!" joke when J. Segel is so conspicuously thin compared to previous years.

@avclub-a9dbf6c70f867fb5d09900f7bab79c25:disqus "Shows for the masses" = CBS in America, what with their Two and a Half Men, Mike & Molly, CSI, 2 Broke Girls, and other shows you list as hating (correctly).

It would only be cool for one episode, like what @avclub-66c16c0170cad0782c68bd4cd7cfd594:disqus sort of said. Like it'd be a nifty penultimate episode framing device so we actually gave a crap about this girl. But I want to spend the last season with the characters I've come to care about, not entirely with the

If there's anything that I've learned over my years of playing Fantasy Football, it's that there's a fine balance to tinkering. You want some tinkering, but do it too much and you'll fiddle your way all the way out of a success. This… is what's happening here.

@avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus  I appreciate your sarcasm and all but AROUND six is usually when they've gotten enough feedback from the audience to actually affect some change so you have a better idea of the trajectory the show's going to take. Also it gives time for an ensemble cast to gel and get

I have people at NBCUni and I'm going to put them on this mystery immediately. Dead serious, haha.

You shouldn't judge ANY lauded sitcom off of its first 2 episodes. You have to give them all at least 6.

You said everything I was thinking, so I won't bother repeating, haha.

Yeah - it's been in every episode of LCK I can remember, haha. Must be a running joke. Or something Andy Cohen contractually demands. Could go either way.

I liked how Kristen got worried because Tom ate a lot more of Lizzie's dish, but it was clear to me that meant Kristen's dish had all of the flavors balanced in one bite and he was trying to find all the flavors in Lizzie's.

Haha, he sounded excited about it being "the one in the fire," like it was some kind of novelty or perk, which made me laugh because boys are so damn weird sometimes.

Same, and I kind of appreciated that they kept the restaurant's looking like a church basement cafeteria rather than a commercial.