
According to the internet, he went to USC for a year.

@avclub-87caf7c42aedbada42572e2374eed08d:disqus And thus: Hollywood.

@Scrawler2:disqus "Bought into a false rumor" >>> Not unlike Scientology itself, amirite?

Apparently you possess no ability to find joy in silliness, which is just sad for you. Frivolity breaks up the tedium, you lugubrious asshole.

God, what a beautiful episode of television that was. Haunting yet inspiring. These kinds of introspective episodes are what made me love S1 so much, and this just outdid all of those - even Considering Helen (by a whisker).

See, we don't know though. Like she's so clearly being telegraphed as a bad person that maybe she isn't. My tendency to give young shows too much credit might also be at play here, but in my mind it's all a 50/50 shot unless it's Kevin Bacon and even then there's a 15% chance he's in on the whole thing too.

Poor Poe, it's not his fault.

1. All this Poe business is really making my Ravens Superbowl week weird.

The killer is always at the Ravens game. Until after the Superbowl, at least.

See, someone thought SNL was funny enough to quote it!

I watched so much Better Off Ted this weekend. So much. The guy I'm vaguely dating arrived at my apartment like 10 minutes into the LARPing episode and I made him sit through the whole thing unapologetically.

Yeah, I am shocked by the reaction to this episode. I loved it. It was one of the best episodes of the show I've seen in years. I know I probably judge comedy a little differently than the general public since I practice it and think about it too much, but for me a good SNL is one where they try new sketches and

Except that doing a T'eo story would have been grossly obvious, and Train is way funnier than Phillip Phillips because they aren't a one-hit American Idol winner ripping off Mumford but are also delightfully lame, and Seinfeld is doesn't need to tell jokes to impart his persona because this isn't 15 years ago.

Mmm, he's super attractive to me and it doesn't weird me out. He's just that good. I also want to be best friends with his wife, which doesn't weird me out until you consider the overall dynamic.

It's basically right next to Baltimore, so it would definitely mess with the whole region. I'm not sure what the "you're immediately killed" range of one of those nukes is, though.

I am on this site way more than is healthy, but I have graded probably fewer than 5 episodes.

I know that's just a line from the show, but we COUNT, DAMNIT.

Ah well I think that would count, too, but I think everything that happened thereafter would lump in to WWIII as well, given the instigation and players are the same. Let's keep the hypothetical World Wars to a minimum.

When did WWIII happen?

Dundalk is Dundalk, but wouldn't a weapon like that affect Annapolis, too? I was like "nooo, my parents!"