
Didn't they once before??

Yeah that was the CO dude.

Well they don't eat it all. I'm sure it took like 2 nibbles of the bad ones to be like "ok i've given this stuff a fair shake, but it's gross" which is how they usually operate.

Yeah, I cried so hard at the end of this. And then got confused thinking it was a short but sweet series finale. And then sobbed when I realized it wasn't.

I haven't watched this episode yet, but Dr. Pepper has a lot of product placement capital with me after giving the world "DDPJVDB."

Haha, thanks. I guess that's what I like about Cambridge; everyone has their own kind of perspective. And while I'm in my late 20s and don't mix too much with the college crowd, I do love how much it informs the area.

I've only lived here 9 months, but the people in Cambridge are waaaaaaay nicer and cooler than the people in San Francisco were. So careful what you say about MA. (Although any time I have to cross the river into Boston Proper, I hate it. Everyone's a douche.)

Yeah, I've lived everywhere (grew up in MI, finished HS in MD, college in Philadelphia, onward to Chicago, SF, now MA), and can safely say that while there are nuances in specific behavior patterns, every region has its own brand of asshole.

He moved to a different town (I think like an hour away) and took up with a new girl, as kids who don't have drivers licenses yet who move to different towns are wont to do. He freaked me out with his shortness anyway (as do most wrestlers in real life, as I'm a tall lady).

That sucks if you went to a John Hughes cliche high school and got on the wrong end of the social stratosphere. I went to two high schools, one large public school and one tiny liberal private school after we moved cross-country and neither of my experiences were close to the Mean Girls situation you're alluding to.

So, I loved this as always. Change approved!

Oh come on. If it was like, "The Wrestlerettes are cheered by the student body! The cheerleaders realize Sue's genius and ask her to be on the normal cheerleading squad! Sue becomes super-duper popular and winds up on prom court before the season finale!" it would be an "only on TV moment." But this is the school

Sometimes… Sometimes, unabashed optimism and enthusiasm really do pay off. The Wrestlerettes gave it their goddamn all even though they weren't sure they could stack up and got a positive response. Same for Axl. Even if it did remind me of Max Braverman giving his Student Council President speech, I was proud of the

Ooh, that makes me kinda sad I fast-forward through commercials. Now my interest is piqued.

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus  That's why it's "was" and not "is."

God I loved this movie, and still do. Though as someone with perpetual wanderlust and a very Irish background who has been riding since age 3, there was no way that I wouldn't love this movie. Highly recommended for everyone, though. And I'm not a big DVD collector, but a quick Amazon search tells me it costs less

Haha, "Cut-el-er."

That makes it sound dangerously close to Zoobilee Zoo.

Ida was a Hellcat.

Yeah, that's how I did Ulysses the first time. A compendium and a professor.