
Yeah, that's how I did Ulysses the first time. A compendium and a professor.

I agree, I thought the same thing. And we know Nick's a Bears fan and Schmidt even mentioned everyone watching a Bears game together.

This season has been an emotional roller-coaster with many events mirroring things from my own life (mother who had cancer, involved with a young army officer who came back from tour 1 with PTSD and tour 2 severely injured (he's ok now)), and it's okay for me that it's ended with a neat little bow on almost

I loved that the lizard came with the name Salsa, so he matches with Guacamole!

Listen folks, I know everyone's going to sniff at this show and review, but I am here to say I watched this essentially start to finish. It was pure unapologetic soap, it was not good TV, and it was fun. I love Kate Walsh and her character (as fellow tall, supposedly smart but makes some silly decisions, red-haired



I dunno, it was fun enough, entertaining, and scarier than anything AHS put up this year (which is also immensely entertaining). The twists and turns are obvious, yes, but the show has a way of lulling you into forgetting EVERYONE could be one of these people. I'm also weirdly fascinated by cults, though, so maybe

Haha, exactly!

Right? I kept feeling I was being punished with the old episodes for continuing to watch rather than being rewarded with new ones.

Having recently lived there for a couple years, I laughed really hard just because it IS hella expensive and the people are by and large vaguely rude or fake nice. I didn't even consider the gay joke. (That might explain a lot about my experience living there.)

Exactly. If it's just one, I let it go. If it's two, I point them out. If it's this many… That's not my job. I'll take that job, but it's not my job.

Dark, but I'll take a Degrassi reference anywhere.

Yeah, the bruja stuff is the only thing that really actually scares me on True Blood.

@avclub-c9be0674ead9b2448c14d31c64f2b01b:disqus I disagree. It's the least flavorful cut of steak because there's no fat in there! Properly cooked, you're going to have more fun eating any other cut. (Granted, I have a sous vide machine and thus can experience joys of a perfectly cooked hanger steak whenever I damn

@avclub-c9be0674ead9b2448c14d31c64f2b01b:disqus I disagree. It's the least flavorful cut of steak because there's no fat in there! Properly cooked, you're going to have more fun eating any other cut. (Granted, I have a sous vide machine and thus can experience joys of a perfectly cooked hanger steak whenever I damn

I laughed way too hard at that.

I laughed way too hard at that.

Man, granted I'm still learning to use my machine, but what could one sous vide in 30 minutes? Chicken at 140* needs to be cooked for 40 minutes/inch, I think scallops had to be in for about 40 minutes at 140*, an egg at 141* takes at least 45 minutes, etc. Plus it takes time to get the water warm. I can't imagine

When Josie was in there saying "I THOUGHT I WAS GOING HOME TONIGHT, GUYS" she was cruising to get slapped.