
This is in response to your comment about driving viewers to LCK. They already had a story line there. They didn't need an extra push. Like @OhthePossibilities:disqus said, the competition isn't about who deserves to stay or get sent home overall, even though the judges realllly wanted it to be about that this week.

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus Nerds AND football players!

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus Nerds AND football players!

Nono, molecular gastronomy can be really, really cool. The key is to go somewhere that does it well and not just for the sake of doing it. Next/Alinea/WD50/Momofuku (any)/Schwa - you're in good hands and you're going to learn some cool stuff.

Nono, molecular gastronomy can be really, really cool. The key is to go somewhere that does it well and not just for the sake of doing it. Next/Alinea/WD50/Momofuku (any)/Schwa - you're in good hands and you're going to learn some cool stuff.

I actually watched Lance Armstrong in the Tour de France. I actually watch cycling. As an athlete you watch these things and you WANT to believe this is actually happening; you WANT to believe that someone can do this; and you WANT to believe that maybe you can do it yourself someday if you work hard enough. 
Maybe you

Err, I don't usually point out stuff like this, but this post is a complete copy-editing mess. There are errant words and missing punctuation marks ALL over the place. I understand that Kevin's mad, as he should be, but someone needs to go over this piece and edit it…

The night I moved from SF to Cambridge, a family member joined my mom and my best friends for a celebratory dinner. At one point during the meal, this family member started to make a point about education, paused, and then said "we're all family here: the Orient." This has turned into a running joke among my friends

I rationalized it as MLK weekend since their calendar seems to be around a week ahead of real life this year.

Oooh you saying that suddenly reminded me that Tom Selleck played Courtney Cox's other major romantic interest on Friends forever. And was indeed incredibly sexy.

Ugh, fuck you, general American public.

Yeah, what? I have had various iPhones since they FIRST came out that I use for just about everything, and I only learned how to 'drop a pin' from S1 Girls! What a ridiculous argument.

You have just said everything I was thinking… So thank you. I wonder if Amy will ever realize how much of this is driven by her need for revenge. When Jeff mentioned jail, you could see her recoil, and when she got back in the car with the new plan, you could see it sinking in that shit just got real.

I've actually been wondering for some time if the account is some kind of viral marketing bot trying to get people to watch the show based on "backlash," because the account posts in every single other forum citing Enlightened. The Middle? Mentions Enlightened. The Golden Globes? Mentions Enlightened. (And so on.)

Eh, I'd say sports knowledge, not pop culture, and this isn't ESPN so I would NOT worry about it :) I was just laughing because it's such a ridiculous and light word for something that can ruin someone's career!

Haha, "the yips" is an actual sport term - whenever you inexplicably lose the skill or ability that you had before. It is a fun sounding name but a not fun thing to experience, and as @Merve2:disqus pointed out, was also the theme of a good HIMYM episode.

Oakland is such a weird city that contains a Detroit-esque downtown, pretty cool Rockridge, and the really pretty area up in the mountains (still Oakland!) where my stable was when I lived in SF.

Be willing to work like a dog for low pay on an irregular and unpredictable schedule without benefits or guarantee of promotion to actual employee status for about two years. Work your ass off, but more crucially get REALLY lucky and get promoted to an actual position.
Or have really rich and connected parents.

Apparently every bit of wonderful as we would hope.

True and sad story: The second worst athletic injury I've ever incurred happened during an adult recreational kickball league game in Chicago and it landed me in physical therapy for 3 months. 
Luckily my PT guys were awesome (and I had just been in PT for 4 months for a knee injury so we knew each other well by then),