
I'm taking my talents to Southside!

Well to be fair, drinking beer in the dugout is an adult kickball league (at least in Chicago) thing…

My sister's job required* her to spend a day with Casey Wilson (and Adam Pally) and she said she was like the same height as she is, which is about 5'8. So yeah, Elisha Cuthbert's short, but as @avclub-a9e18cb5dd9d3ab420946fa19ebbbf52:disqus pointed out, Penny was in heels and was probably ringing in around 6'. 
*I was

Oh my gosh that made me laugh so hard. And then cry a little since he was hurt the back part of our sad, sad season.

@avclub-8c1bbcea199457b63dc39f7a024591f1:disqus Ron Swanson: Chair.

@avclub-8c1bbcea199457b63dc39f7a024591f1:disqus Ron Swanson: Chair.

I'd be down to just see AIRPORT: Janet Terminal, where we see the people who have to fly between Vegas and Area 51 daily on their commute. I wonder if that terminal has a bar?

I'd be down to just see AIRPORT: Janet Terminal, where we see the people who have to fly between Vegas and Area 51 daily on their commute. I wonder if that terminal has a bar?

While I am a Navy Child and my heart is forever with the F/A 18 Super Hornet, you just have to admit how cool F-117's look, while we're on the topic of triangular aircraft. I remember seeing them in a demonstration at an Air Force base in Michigan as a kid, and one awesome Beltway commute home when I got stuck in

While I am a Navy Child and my heart is forever with the F/A 18 Super Hornet, you just have to admit how cool F-117's look, while we're on the topic of triangular aircraft. I remember seeing them in a demonstration at an Air Force base in Michigan as a kid, and one awesome Beltway commute home when I got stuck in

Bubble Boy was a profound commentary on how America treats those with differences and disabilities.

Bubble Boy was a profound commentary on how America treats those with differences and disabilities.

Damn right.

I have actually thought about this redhead situation. I have hair the exact same color as Erin's and part of me gets excited every time I see Ellie Kemper's beeeeautiful hair and wants to cheer "ginger nation!" and the other part of me gets weirdly and vainly sad because the whole cool thing about having auburn hair

Oh wow, Bristol Farms. There was one of those in the mall near my office when I lived in San Francisco and while the prepared food made for a good lunch grab, I would sometimes wander through the normal grocery section and marvel at how something that would cost $2.50 anywhere else cost $4.50 there.

Gail's reaction to his "women of LA" statement was priceless.

Wait, @avclub-057859d502ee9201857e867efb89d225:disqus @avclub-143816c28946e8294f0bd6353b88ec2d:disqus An "otter" is an actual thing??? Is a Walrus an actual thing? I remember seeing this before and thinking "well that would involve eating seaweed, which I don't think Max is into, plus you'd miss out on the facial hair

Hasn't been inside since becoming a televised affair except for '85 when it was too cold. So… ratings? I'm just kidding. I roll my eyes when people have big weddings but I sort of understand the want for a big ol' show when you're taking over or re-asserting yourself as leader of this country.

Because one term's over and another term is starting so you have to inaugurate that term and swear in for another 4 years of protecting and defending the constitution of the United States of America against enemies both foreign and domestic, so help you God. Like, when your apartment lease is up, you need to sign a

I have an old pair that I will only wear within a 200-meter radius of my apartment, basically only for use taking out the trash or going to the corner store that I estimate to be 200 meters away from my apartment to get beer. They are ugly. But they're warm!