
Oh please, this is the internet. That didn't even rate on the creepy scale :)

Niiice. (Yeah, in my experience it's never been an issue. Or, only an issue when I'm changing the meaning of a Cougar Town joke in order to feel included.)

FYI - Someone in England I follow on twitter watched episode #2 and said she wished she had known she'd need a box of tears. I'm glad she warned the world.

Yeah… You're reading too much into it. That's also a standard color order for any rainbow. I'm all for Gay Pride, but I'm really sure that's just not what is going on with the kid's paint tube t-shirt.

Miming, re-defining a phrase (I actually say "slap out of it" to people in real life), allusions to Wade being "blacker than space," moments like the serious brain freeze, meta commentary in the beginning, "dime eyes," the therapist, I forget the name of the new mega wine glass but that made an appearance… It felt

I found those things to fall into the category of "things that make Cougar Town, Cougar Town," so it all worked for me!

As a 6' lady I took the whole joke as anything above 5'7. But apparently I'm wrong. Sigh.

What? It was paint tubes drawing stripes across his shirt. I remember it specifically because I thought it was cute. How is that creepy for a 10 year old?

Awwww. My little sister and I only overlapped high school for one year… But we went to entirely different schools. Problem solved.

The part of me that works for a large website feels like the reason there is no kickinitteenstyle.com is that teens are a sensitive bunch, so you couldn't make a parody site and offering actual advice to them would require too many lawyers to make it a worthwhile venture.

I actually really disliked this episode because I can't forgive June for slut-shaming Chloe. Also, I watched it after Parenthood, which as discussed had its own sorta preachy element that had left me feeling kind of confused. A loooot of forced sexual regret on TV last night.

You know, he had every opportunity to speak up, and he didn't make his case. It's not like she didn't tell him - she told him, they talked about it, he went with her to the doctor. HE GAVE HER THE MONEY FOR IT. I think that it's fair for her to consider that to be him voting with his feet. He could have said "I will

Yeah, this. I also posted earlier about and am growing more resentful of how the show seems to be equating Amy's abortion with Julia not thinking she can be Victor's mom. It's completely different - Amy's single and 16, the pregnancy was unplanned, and (to me!) it's not yet a person. Julia's in a stable life place and

I disagree, it's been very Seattle-y. There's been a Seattle element in every episode except perhaps the last one.

@olivececile:disqus Yeah, at least back when I took it in 2000. And whether or not you win or need the scholarship, saying you were a semifinalist/finalist is good for college applications.

No. This is the correct answer.

It hides the article portion of the URL yet I knew what you were talking about. And now I'm tearing up at my desk. I didn't even click on it!

I still like the potential that this show has and enjoy Mindy's character enough that I watch week after week. I don't get what she's trying to do with her backstory, though. She has a Southie accent and pays her brother's tuition? But then she makes a joke about how there's nothing to do in Concord that implies that

@avclub-734ffb84cfa214922893511fae356b45:disqus Well, before it was revealed that the adoption hadn't been finalized, I would have absolutely said Joel and Julia are Victor's parents. They didn't say "hey we're going to take care of this kid for awhile," but rather were declaring "this shall henceforth be our son,"

I am trying to think back to what we did in the "Gifted" program in elementary school, and I can't remember for the life of me. It wasn't a full time class, it was just a few hours a week, probably so as to not create too much social separation. But what the hell did we do during that time? (I'm 29 so this was… a long