
Sorry for being pedantic, but it was one of the funniest things I've ever heard for some reason.

That's another part of it. And Joel's as much a father to Victor as Julia is a mother.

The only SAFE squirrel :)

Once in a grocery store in West Philadelphia, the gentlemen behind me were talking about how crack tastes like cinnamon. I don't know if that's accurate or not, but it does sound tasty.

Haha, it's hard not to! Also, not an excuse but maybe somewhat of an explanation: I lived there in my early 20s, so my friends and I were assholes.

I found an interesting parallel between Amy's choice and Julia's saying that she might want to give up Victor. I haven't fully fleshed it out yet, and it may develop into something I don't like personally. I really don't want the connection to be "Amy's abortion = Julia giving up on Victor = Amy giving up on her

Oh, that "there you go!" was the funniest line in the whole episode. Amazing and perfect.

To answer your question about whether it's possible to overdose on Happy Endings, Sims, I'm going to say it's nearly impossible. It's so light and silly and awesome that it'd be hard to overdose, it'd be like OD-ing on prosecco.

I need to go back and look at the maps. But while she was talking about the names, all I could think of was the place on North Halsted called "Cocktail," which made my friends and consequently me giggle because it was so perfect. Though it's not quite on the same level as this place in Philly my best friend and I went

Protective custody?

Even though I TiVo'd through the commercials, I noticed one for Cougar Town airing in the middle of Happy Endings and I found it to be smart, awesomely smug, and also a bit of a tease for those of us who love HE so much.

@avclub-8780c798b07a8379ba003a735f7e09fb:disqus And I hate the White Sox. But after living in Chicago, in terms of baseball fan-dom, I will respect a White Sox fan more than a Cubs fan 9 times out of 10, because your team might be evil but at least y'all actually like baseball. Go Tribe.

I'm comfortable enough in my status as refined TV-viewer that I'm fine admitting that I do indeed watch it, even though I definitely only watch it for off-label purposes (making fun of people). I don't understand anyone who watches it in earnest (if you ever venture into a forum where people are thinking this is the

I think it's a mix. There are some in there who are obviously crazy producer plants, and some who go crazy over the course of the show. I am only half-kidding when I joke that I find it to be a deliciously hilarious study of the human condition, and also generally "what not to do."

I wish more people on this site would admit to hate-watching The Bachelor/ette. The fun we would all have making fun of girls with crazy eyes!


@avclub-eaaf6236c28c668e40fdf9b17394b7ec:disqus Liked for only being able to describe Cutler as "Cutleresque." (I am a Bears fan, but as many have pointed out, he's … lacking in the personality department.)

Things are bleak when your show makes The Bachelor seem like a classy and mentally balanced affair.

I loved that line because I have an unhealthy obsession with the Cleveland Indians (and also lived in Chicago for three years). And then Dave's follow up "as a part-Navajo Cubs fan…" Cubs fans, always making it about them.

Facelift technology was not much in 1920.