
"I'm getting him into baseball!" 
"I hate the Indians!"
"He's a White Sox fan!"

Oh jesus. I won't ever be a vegetarian but I might swear off pawed animals. I kind of feel like I shouldn't eat something I wouldn't be able to kill myself… and I wouldn't be able to make a poor bunny scream :(

My kitten was in my lap when he was talking about that and I hugged the poor cat verrry tightly.

I actually thought it wouldn't win because I couldn't figure out how they were going to turn it into a meal that sounded filling enough to package. "Healthy Choice Un-potted Un-pied Chicken with Tofu Gravy" doesn't sound like enough food unless it's just like a slab of chicken that you microwave, which, gross.

Put enough creamy element in there and maybe some scallions and a dash of worcestershire sauce and I bet you could make a pretty convincing gratin with lobster and animal crackers…

I almost felt bad for him. It felt like the producers and the judges were bullying him on the playground a little bit, "ha ha, you've been around as long as we have, but you're not nearly as nationally well known, ha ha, come on this competition and maybe you'll make a name for yourself, just kidding! We're going to

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus @avclub-7ffdecec85e9794909f8b6105828c246:disqus @avclub-ad283026a2a2a5be72051a4cf93750eb:disqus Exactly, it's the stirring. I don't remember how many other components he had to attend to, but this is why it's a rough dish to make on a show like this - you have to stir

How long did they have to put this meal together? For some reason I thought that the way to get a super thin cut for carpaccio was to freeze the meat a little bit, he probably didn't have time to do that.

I love eating rabbit, but it's one of the few things I can't bring myself to cook because it always comes from the butcher looking like that, something that so clearly once had fur and paws :(

@Scrawler2:disqus At my college they just gave everyone this mysterious (and quite numbing and I'm pretty sure full of liquid narcotics) concoction dubbed "magic mouthwash" and a mono test because they assumed everyone might have mono but probably just had strep.

Hahaha, I just watched this. I love, love, love Ryan Hansen, but c'mon. He may have looked less douchey, but "trio of charddies"? "Frisco?" Saying "the people" and "the wharf" of San Francisco are amazing?!?! "Almost the top dog in my sales group." Excited about a trip to Scottsdale, "the Beverly Hills of Arizona."

Hey, like I said, I'd like him to be recurring on any show that I watch so it's definitely understandable!

9) Awww man, I forgot Christensen's a Scientologist. Ugh.

@avclub-58b5e1181aef482ae9d3f57afb3baa76:disqus Like Jerry!

Yeah, I kind of feel like he fell to being one of the earlier "TV Chef turns into 'Celebrity Chef!' with all kinds of merchandising and spin-offs and catch-phrases!!!" victims. Many regrets.

Yeah, I kind of feel like he fell to being one of the earlier "TV Chef turns into 'Celebrity Chef!' with all kinds of merchandising and spin-offs and catch-phrases!!!" victims. Many regrets.

I had a class on Irish literature in college and we spent half the semester reading Ulysses. It took one book, 2 prescribed compendiums, a room full of Penn kids, and a Bloomsday I forced on my poor best friend when we went to Dublin for our sophomore year spring break to get through it, but I would now a decade-ish

I had a class on Irish literature in college and we spent half the semester reading Ulysses. It took one book, 2 prescribed compendiums, a room full of Penn kids, and a Bloomsday I forced on my poor best friend when we went to Dublin for our sophomore year spring break to get through it, but I would now a decade-ish

Exactly. See my comment above. I'm a serious baseball fan and this is a serious baseball/campus novel.

Exactly. See my comment above. I'm a serious baseball fan and this is a serious baseball/campus novel.