
I didn't find that. Also, Henry wasn't gay and he was the shortstop… It was mostly about him. If you mistook him for Owen, who was gay but not the shortstop - not the main field position the book was named for and not the main character - you might have misread the book.

I didn't find that. Also, Henry wasn't gay and he was the shortstop… It was mostly about him. If you mistook him for Owen, who was gay but not the shortstop - not the main field position the book was named for and not the main character - you might have misread the book.

Well apparently the way to his heart is to be a roller derby girl with an ass made of "two parma hams fighting it out." So get on it.

Well apparently the way to his heart is to be a roller derby girl with an ass made of "two parma hams fighting it out." So get on it.

I absolutely loved Art of Fielding, which I also read this summer, and for many of the same reasons Claire listed. But I'm also a sucker for the campus novel, and easily forgive some mooniness that is inherent to writing about people in that stage of life… And (as those who are my friends on Twitter know) I am

I absolutely loved Art of Fielding, which I also read this summer, and for many of the same reasons Claire listed. But I'm also a sucker for the campus novel, and easily forgive some mooniness that is inherent to writing about people in that stage of life… And (as those who are my friends on Twitter know) I am



Actual happy birthday, @avclub-06a9e26975cd3d805962e61ecc16b2c2:disqus

Actual happy birthday, @avclub-06a9e26975cd3d805962e61ecc16b2c2:disqus

I do exactly that. I couldn't live without my TiVo, but I don't have cable, just network/TiVo, Netflix, Hulu+, an Apple TV (iTunes), MLB.tv, would've had the NHL equivalent if they weren't such children, an xBox that rarely gets turned on… And remote access to xfinity streaming (HBO/Showtime/BBC) from a friend. All of

I do exactly that. I couldn't live without my TiVo, but I don't have cable, just network/TiVo, Netflix, Hulu+, an Apple TV (iTunes), MLB.tv, would've had the NHL equivalent if they weren't such children, an xBox that rarely gets turned on… And remote access to xfinity streaming (HBO/Showtime/BBC) from a friend. All of

1) My sister went to college at Claremont, so that is a decidedly un-terrible place in the Inland Empire. Otherwise, I'm not sure how it's more terrible than any other suburb (and I do hate suburbs), but with way better weather than most of the country.
2) Just say it. That's all there is to it. I like funny words.

1) My sister went to college at Claremont, so that is a decidedly un-terrible place in the Inland Empire. Otherwise, I'm not sure how it's more terrible than any other suburb (and I do hate suburbs), but with way better weather than most of the country.
2) Just say it. That's all there is to it. I like funny words.

That's one of those books I love so much that I remember exactly which class I read it for. That and In Pharoh's Army (and many more not in the "Vietnam" category).

That's one of those books I love so much that I remember exactly which class I read it for. That and In Pharoh's Army (and many more not in the "Vietnam" category).

Huh? That's what made it funny. Of course Jane and Brad watched Entourage. And of course so did the rest of us who got that joke… Including you :)

Huh? That's what made it funny. Of course Jane and Brad watched Entourage. And of course so did the rest of us who got that joke… Including you :)

It *does* exist. Fun fact, my sister actually adopted her cat that she named Penny from the Rancho Cucamonga SPCA. Total coincidence.

It *does* exist. Fun fact, my sister actually adopted her cat that she named Penny from the Rancho Cucamonga SPCA. Total coincidence.