
@olivececile:disqus Almost worse - we each bought 2 tickets to the same show without consulting each other, and the seats are basically right next to each other so we're guaranteed to have a run-in. It hasn't officially ended yet, so maybe it'll work out happily, but I'm starting to scour Boston for a replacement date

@olivececile:disqus Almost worse - we each bought 2 tickets to the same show without consulting each other, and the seats are basically right next to each other so we're guaranteed to have a run-in. It hasn't officially ended yet, so maybe it'll work out happily, but I'm starting to scour Boston for a replacement date

I'm seeing him Jan 4th and I'm more excited about that than any other thing this holiday season. And given recent relationship drama it's going to be a big ol' awkward mess in that audience, but no breakup awkwardness is going to keep me away from Louis!

I'm seeing him Jan 4th and I'm more excited about that than any other thing this holiday season. And given recent relationship drama it's going to be a big ol' awkward mess in that audience, but no breakup awkwardness is going to keep me away from Louis!

What? I am an extremely white person and I use chopsticks all the time, always for Chinese takeout and often for other things too. I lived in San Francisco for a couple of years but it started long before that… 
I do love that ongoing joke though, that Barney's awful with chopsticks.

What? I am an extremely white person and I use chopsticks all the time, always for Chinese takeout and often for other things too. I lived in San Francisco for a couple of years but it started long before that… 
I do love that ongoing joke though, that Barney's awful with chopsticks.

Ehhhh, this wasn't the same kind of "it's a scam" denial we've seen in the past. If the phone hadn't have rang they would have kissed; they'll pick up where they left off.

Ehhhh, this wasn't the same kind of "it's a scam" denial we've seen in the past. If the phone hadn't have rang they would have kissed; they'll pick up where they left off.

I always got the feeling that he was supposed to be a sex idiot… This didn't throw me at all.

I always got the feeling that he was supposed to be a sex idiot… This didn't throw me at all.

Err, I watched this today and laughed almost all the way through. Mokiki had me in stitches, it was just so WEIRD; The HOMELAND sketch was spot-on; McDonald's went on a little long and needed a better arc but was hilarious on a line-by-line level; and I've spent too much time tonight trying to mimic the Katie Holmes

Err, I watched this today and laughed almost all the way through. Mokiki had me in stitches, it was just so WEIRD; The HOMELAND sketch was spot-on; McDonald's went on a little long and needed a better arc but was hilarious on a line-by-line level; and I've spent too much time tonight trying to mimic the Katie Holmes

I liked that she thanked Katie Holmes and Claire Danes. Worth the extra 15 seconds of Goodbyes.

I liked that she thanked Katie Holmes and Claire Danes. Worth the extra 15 seconds of Goodbyes.

I just watched it for the same reason - it was too stressful to watch before the real election, but now it made for great (as you said) decompression. I hope that many more people watched it for the same reason. Also, Hulu has been promoting it recently which I hope means it has a chance at a second season. I really,

I'm not religious, nor am I trying to start a discussion of the position of religion in our military; I'm just quoting what I've been told so many times.

I'm not religious, nor am I trying to start a discussion of the position of religion in our military; I'm just quoting what I've been told so many times.

The mayor of the island stole them during the chemical attack. Network synergy! (Last Resport, which probably only 4 of us watch.)

The mayor of the island stole them during the chemical attack. Network synergy! (Last Resport, which probably only 4 of us watch.)

Monty Python did it first!