
Monty Python did it first!

Mac is a classic repressed Catholic, and it's been established since the very beginning. Philadelphia is crawling with them.

Mac is a classic repressed Catholic, and it's been established since the very beginning. Philadelphia is crawling with them.

I'm no quilt expert but it looked like a lot of fabric laid over itself. Like, collage-style?

I'm no quilt expert but it looked like a lot of fabric laid over itself. Like, collage-style?

I actually thought that they were showing Ron chewing something on a stick, which the shrimp were not, so I laughed because it was implied that he lost (this battle. The War would surely kill us all.)

I actually thought that they were showing Ron chewing something on a stick, which the shrimp were not, so I laughed because it was implied that he lost (this battle. The War would surely kill us all.)

Haha, it's entirely possible that it just hit me on a night I was feeling vulnerable and so I read too much into it.

Haha, it's entirely possible that it just hit me on a night I was feeling vulnerable and so I read too much into it.

They live in a suburb of Indianapolis. Remember how they got all excited over the Superbowl and Frankie tried to volunteer because it was being held at LucasOil, and it was kind of hilarious because the Colts sucked SO bad last year? Not to mention that Axl WAS being courted by East Indiana State. And I,

They live in a suburb of Indianapolis. Remember how they got all excited over the Superbowl and Frankie tried to volunteer because it was being held at LucasOil, and it was kind of hilarious because the Colts sucked SO bad last year? Not to mention that Axl WAS being courted by East Indiana State. And I,

I don't know, as absurd as it sounds this actually hit pretty close to home for me. Being away from your military spouse/boyfriend/whatever is tough, and it's hard to reconcile the want to take their (continued) absence personally with the understanding that this is more than a job for them, this is something they

I don't know, as absurd as it sounds this actually hit pretty close to home for me. Being away from your military spouse/boyfriend/whatever is tough, and it's hard to reconcile the want to take their (continued) absence personally with the understanding that this is more than a job for them, this is something they

Ah, I'm sorry I didn't realize it was bitter fan day.

Ah, I'm sorry I didn't realize it was bitter fan day.

Fair enough!

Fair enough!

Weary or wary? Not trying to be pedantic, but curious if you'd already seen it and are passing judgement (weary) or hadn't seen it yet but are wary.

Weary or wary? Not trying to be pedantic, but curious if you'd already seen it and are passing judgement (weary) or hadn't seen it yet but are wary.

As someone who moved from California to Cambridge recently, I was completely weirded out by snow cover on my streets last night. To the point that I did the "Californian seeing snow for the first time" thing and went outside to stand in it for a little bit.