
No one has mentioned that Brick's Sugary-Goodness is a metaphor for putting him on Adderall. Sugar is a stimulant, Adderall is a stimulant.

Haha, this just makes me laugh thinking of all of the versions of Bloomfield we have and their differing economic reputations. Bloomfield Hills, West Bloomfield, Bloomfield Township, just plain Bloomfield… Are there more? I haven't lived there for like 12 years.

Haha, this just makes me laugh thinking of all of the versions of Bloomfield we have and their differing economic reputations. Bloomfield Hills, West Bloomfield, Bloomfield Township, just plain Bloomfield… Are there more? I haven't lived there for like 12 years.



Not attacking you or anything, but because it's unclear if you're aware judging from the comment, but Asberger's and Autism are diagnosed on what's called a "spectrum," which is to say on a sliding scale. So Max isn't going to act just like the son of your friends, etc.

Not attacking you or anything, but because it's unclear if you're aware judging from the comment, but Asberger's and Autism are diagnosed on what's called a "spectrum," which is to say on a sliding scale. So Max isn't going to act just like the son of your friends, etc.

I thought it was her too, not just based on the looks but also the mannerisms. Man they really have that smug brat thing going on in the family. I hope it's just acting, but I'd bet it's not.

I thought it was her too, not just based on the looks but also the mannerisms. Man they really have that smug brat thing going on in the family. I hope it's just acting, but I'd bet it's not.

^^^This. Well said.

^^^This. Well said.

I understand what you're saying about "a missed semester can lead to two," etc. However, I was a little younger than Haddie when my mom got sick (I was 16), and since I still lived at home there's no way they could have lied to me about the prognosis. But if I had been in college by then and had gotten lied to, I'm

I understand what you're saying about "a missed semester can lead to two," etc. However, I was a little younger than Haddie when my mom got sick (I was 16), and since I still lived at home there's no way they could have lied to me about the prognosis. But if I had been in college by then and had gotten lied to, I'm

And the guy who plays Tommy on Ben and Kate (which I love) is on a CURRENT UPS commercial. I just noticed it last night and was like "aw, good for him."

And the guy who plays Tommy on Ben and Kate (which I love) is on a CURRENT UPS commercial. I just noticed it last night and was like "aw, good for him."

I think Eliza said once that they have to do it two times the writers' way, and then are free to do their own spin on it, and then a blend of all of that becomes the script.

I think Eliza said once that they have to do it two times the writers' way, and then are free to do their own spin on it, and then a blend of all of that becomes the script.

@Kumagoro:disqus Exactly, but I'm sure they just say that it's all just for "the government" and give them some cash and/or death threats.

@Kumagoro:disqus Exactly, but I'm sure they just say that it's all just for "the government" and give them some cash and/or death threats.

I always did loathe Colonial American history and never did pay close attention (said the Modern American History major sheepishly). I stand corrected and am going to blow the dust off one or two of the ol' history books.