
I always did loathe Colonial American history and never did pay close attention (said the Modern American History major sheepishly). I stand corrected and am going to blow the dust off one or two of the ol' history books.

Like @avclub-86e4ff8cc268ab36c7e3c5c53d2293a4:disqus  said, it's a matter of fees. It's probably also a matter of taxes, since they won't get taxed on their tips with cash payment. HOWEVER, I ride in enough cabs to have my own rule of "if you take the card without a hassle, you will get a bigger tip." I also ALWAYS

Like @avclub-86e4ff8cc268ab36c7e3c5c53d2293a4:disqus  said, it's a matter of fees. It's probably also a matter of taxes, since they won't get taxed on their tips with cash payment. HOWEVER, I ride in enough cabs to have my own rule of "if you take the card without a hassle, you will get a bigger tip." I also ALWAYS

They said explicitly that they had eyes and ears in the hotel room, and then also that they had hotel's permission to use the camera feeds from the bar.

They said explicitly that they had eyes and ears in the hotel room, and then also that they had hotel's permission to use the camera feeds from the bar.

I know they had just been talking about the Sally/Thomas Jefferson thing, but when I saw that text my mind flashed to the 30 Rock "I'll be Sally and you're Glenn" moment and I got very confused.

I know they had just been talking about the Sally/Thomas Jefferson thing, but when I saw that text my mind flashed to the 30 Rock "I'll be Sally and you're Glenn" moment and I got very confused.

That "cabbies won't take cards" problem is not just DC. It's the same in every city I've lived in - Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, and you're lucky if you can even find a cab in San Francisco. That line from the cabbie made me laugh out loud because I've heard it about a thousand times… Which is why Uber will take

That "cabbies won't take cards" problem is not just DC. It's the same in every city I've lived in - Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, and you're lucky if you can even find a cab in San Francisco. That line from the cabbie made me laugh out loud because I've heard it about a thousand times… Which is why Uber will take

I seriously love love love Philadelphia. True, I haven't lived there since 2007, and true, 4 of my 5 years there were at college, but you can't beat the restaurants, you can drone out the sports fans with enough practice, and, yeah, you can't beat the restaurants! (Or the history or the memories with my friends or the

I seriously love love love Philadelphia. True, I haven't lived there since 2007, and true, 4 of my 5 years there were at college, but you can't beat the restaurants, you can drone out the sports fans with enough practice, and, yeah, you can't beat the restaurants! (Or the history or the memories with my friends or the

Hell no, he is Chief of Police or the Mayor or GTFO.

Hell no, he is Chief of Police or the Mayor or GTFO.

Aw man, I miss University City. Go drink illegally at Blarney or something for me.

Aw man, I miss University City. Go drink illegally at Blarney or something for me.

@avclub-24df2ddc8f842b2c2047d7a6088f2845:disqus  Pretty sure I wouldn't have survived freshman year without Wawa being 3 minutes away.

@avclub-24df2ddc8f842b2c2047d7a6088f2845:disqus  Pretty sure I wouldn't have survived freshman year without Wawa being 3 minutes away.

1. Trick question, there's no such thing as Water Ice. Wooder Ice, on the other hand… And lemon, obvi.

1. Trick question, there's no such thing as Water Ice. Wooder Ice, on the other hand… And lemon, obvi.

After this week's Parks and Rec, you've got lots of material to choose from! (Although obviously this is the better one for younger people and isn't political etc. etc.)