
I don't like her, but I do appreciate that she's actually more comfortable with Mike at this point and is probably kind of wishing that Brody never came home so she could have just moved on with life.

I totally thought it was Saul. I actually thought that Saul would show up right after she swallowed the fist full of pills, that he'd show her the tape and she'd be vindicated, but then collapse and need to go to the hospital and lose all chance at clearance.

I totally thought it was Saul. I actually thought that Saul would show up right after she swallowed the fist full of pills, that he'd show her the tape and she'd be vindicated, but then collapse and need to go to the hospital and lose all chance at clearance.

At the time she poured wine into the glass, I was also drinking some wine out of a juice glass (though I actually always use those for casual wine drinking because they're cute and not finicky), and I said "you and me both, Carrie." And then she swallowed all those pills and I said "nope, nevermind!"

At the time she poured wine into the glass, I was also drinking some wine out of a juice glass (though I actually always use those for casual wine drinking because they're cute and not finicky), and I said "you and me both, Carrie." And then she swallowed all those pills and I said "nope, nevermind!"

Ehh the melodrama is what resonated the most for me (minus the awesome Pestano reference). I've wanted to walk out on someone saying how they have no time for anyone else since they had a kid multiple times, I'm glad Ted/Barney/Robin made the point. The gameshow was a weak version of what should have been a solid

Ehh the melodrama is what resonated the most for me (minus the awesome Pestano reference). I've wanted to walk out on someone saying how they have no time for anyone else since they had a kid multiple times, I'm glad Ted/Barney/Robin made the point. The gameshow was a weak version of what should have been a solid

I imagined that in Ted's voice and I am inclined to agree. This really bad episode actually brought me back around to loving Ted, Victoria wedding payment completely ignored.

I imagined that in Ted's voice and I am inclined to agree. This really bad episode actually brought me back around to loving Ted, Victoria wedding payment completely ignored.

Exactly. I could rant in response but I'd just be preaching to the choir.

Exactly. I could rant in response but I'd just be preaching to the choir.

Mmm, no, they've always been pretty self-centered. And that "don't come to us with anything less than an 8" is a clip from last season. This wasn't out of the blue. They're assholes.

Mmm, no, they've always been pretty self-centered. And that "don't come to us with anything less than an 8" is a clip from last season. This wasn't out of the blue. They're assholes.

I agree but I think that Ted's knowledge is limited. Also, the writers'. I'm still going to take Vinnie's reaction - relevant in October, by hook or by crook.

I agree but I think that Ted's knowledge is limited. Also, the writers'. I'm still going to take Vinnie's reaction - relevant in October, by hook or by crook.

The episode was "okay." But, BUT! "I've seen Barney throw a ball. He's no Vinnie Pestano, am I right? What? Beloved middle reliever… CLEVELAND SPORTS ARE STILL RELEVANT!" made this an automatic A for me. I'm sorry, I don't have a lot of joy in my life as it pertains to being an Indians fan.

The episode was "okay." But, BUT! "I've seen Barney throw a ball. He's no Vinnie Pestano, am I right? What? Beloved middle reliever… CLEVELAND SPORTS ARE STILL RELEVANT!" made this an automatic A for me. I'm sorry, I don't have a lot of joy in my life as it pertains to being an Indians fan.

OR… just suck from July-October after an awesome first half, like the Indians?

OR… just suck from July-October after an awesome first half, like the Indians?

When I saw him on TV last night I seriously yelled "Fuck you!" 10 times in rapid succession. Someone walking by on the street (it was warm in Boston last night so my windows were open) yelled back at me to calm down. If she only knew the bleached blond disease that was on my TV screen.