
When I saw him on TV last night I seriously yelled "Fuck you!" 10 times in rapid succession. Someone walking by on the street (it was warm in Boston last night so my windows were open) yelled back at me to calm down. If she only knew the bleached blond disease that was on my TV screen.

That's certainly my feeling. Serves them freaking right. It takes more than a well-built team to do that well in a season and they should have made the most of their chance this year.

That's certainly my feeling. Serves them freaking right. It takes more than a well-built team to do that well in a season and they should have made the most of their chance this year.

From Wikipedia:

From Wikipedia:

I've also seen the Californians every time and I also still love it, but it might just be because my sister lives in LA so I visit a lot and always get a kick out of people saying "the 10," "the 405," and knowing about the geography of everything. It's niche but it's perfect for me.

I've also seen the Californians every time and I also still love it, but it might just be because my sister lives in LA so I visit a lot and always get a kick out of people saying "the 10," "the 405," and knowing about the geography of everything. It's niche but it's perfect for me.

@avclub-e9cb2090ad71d7e1028ca50fa616e8a5:disqus  "Come back when you have $20" is a classic SF panhandler line. I remember one time I was coming up from the BART train stop at Powell after spending the evening in Oakland. I had stopped at Trader Joe's before getting on the Rockridge BART and found myself indecisive,

@avclub-e9cb2090ad71d7e1028ca50fa616e8a5:disqus  "Come back when you have $20" is a classic SF panhandler line. I remember one time I was coming up from the BART train stop at Powell after spending the evening in Oakland. I had stopped at Trader Joe's before getting on the Rockridge BART and found myself indecisive,

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus Haha, I did go to Penn ('06), I did just live in SF for a couple of years, and I do now have occasion to pass through MIT most days of the week (but I don't work there). Maybe I am a bizarro version of you… Unless I'm older, in which case you might be a bizarro version

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus Haha, I did go to Penn ('06), I did just live in SF for a couple of years, and I do now have occasion to pass through MIT most days of the week (but I don't work there). Maybe I am a bizarro version of you… Unless I'm older, in which case you might be a bizarro version

My reaction to this whole thing oscillates between extreme anger ("GET YOUR ROMNEY OFF MY FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!") to a more subtle "Hah, well, joke's on Romney because only like 12 of us watched FNL to begin with."

My reaction to this whole thing oscillates between extreme anger ("GET YOUR ROMNEY OFF MY FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!") to a more subtle "Hah, well, joke's on Romney because only like 12 of us watched FNL to begin with."

@avclub-4c56756898d633b36107f305da70351d:disqus  Living there for two years, I learned that SF has a huge number of programs that essentially support their existence. In other cities I've lived in, if someone was being crazy outside your window and you called the cops, the cops would escort them off the property. In

@avclub-4c56756898d633b36107f305da70351d:disqus  Living there for two years, I learned that SF has a huge number of programs that essentially support their existence. In other cities I've lived in, if someone was being crazy outside your window and you called the cops, the cops would escort them off the property. In

A crazy lady followed me through MIT's campus the other day yelling at me about how she had to send her tax returns to the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ALL THE WAY IN CALIFORNIA so they could steal her identity. It made me feel like I was back in San Francisco.

A crazy lady followed me through MIT's campus the other day yelling at me about how she had to send her tax returns to the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ALL THE WAY IN CALIFORNIA so they could steal her identity. It made me feel like I was back in San Francisco.



Haha, aw (said the Indians fan).