
Which makes the Abrams/Fringe-Cuse/Strain connection kind of fun!

And apparently there's only one bathroom.

And apparently there's only one bathroom.

I mean, I don't think this is necessarily going to become the next Parks and Recreation, but if you'll recall, people hated Parks (including me! and I love it so much now!) in its first season. NBC reworked it, shifted the focus for season 2, and now it's beloved. Still low-rated, but beloved.

I mean, I don't think this is necessarily going to become the next Parks and Recreation, but if you'll recall, people hated Parks (including me! and I love it so much now!) in its first season. NBC reworked it, shifted the focus for season 2, and now it's beloved. Still low-rated, but beloved.

His impersonation on SNL is nervous and a little stilted, which will hopefully work itself out once he gets more comfortable impersonating the leader of the free world on a national platform. But it's not, as @avclub-c5f1ae9e1dd686b68d6742d282dffe55:disqus claims, spot-on yet. Jordan Peele's is spot-on.

His impersonation on SNL is nervous and a little stilted, which will hopefully work itself out once he gets more comfortable impersonating the leader of the free world on a national platform. But it's not, as @avclub-c5f1ae9e1dd686b68d6742d282dffe55:disqus claims, spot-on yet. Jordan Peele's is spot-on.

I was never ever so grateful to have a TiVo as I was last night.

I was never ever so grateful to have a TiVo as I was last night.

"Here is the Schuylkill River, the depository of all the unsolved murders and crime in Philadelphia."

"Here is the Schuylkill River, the depository of all the unsolved murders and crime in Philadelphia."

As a former Penn rower, this movie is already kind of making me cry just thinking about the scenery.

As a former Penn rower, this movie is already kind of making me cry just thinking about the scenery.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus  @avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus  "He probably called the guy a cocksucker." "How romantic." (I…might have Bull Durham memorized.)

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus  @avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus  "He probably called the guy a cocksucker." "How romantic." (I…might have Bull Durham memorized.)

@avclub-57fcde0e1e570f34863aa8c7b9d9f5d7:disqus Ahh, right after "Story of the 50" is when New Girl went from mediocre to flat out funny. They turned a corner, made the characters slightly less cartoon-character, and focused way less on Jess. Again, it might just not be your bag, but that's the exact point where it

They made a Goon joke on SNL this week that I appreciated.

They made a Goon joke on SNL this week that I appreciated.

I'll sign that petition. Bring back Perfect Couples, for that matter, I recently re-watched it and it's pretty hilarious. Basically let's keep David Walton employed.

You dropped New Girl? It got really good in the later half. But, to each his own.