
Well this just made my self-imposed cable hiatus for the summer that much more manageable. (Cable hiatus, but with hulu+, netflix instant, and mlb.tv all streaming to my tv. Life is rough.)

Mumford and Sons is my favorite contemporary band, but somehow my best friend (and apparently J.Lo, and you) had never heard of them. (This is no reflection on you, I might have been locked in a weird San Francisco folk music bubble before escaping back east a couple months ago.) I was saying during his whole song

Mumford and Sons is my favorite contemporary band, but somehow my best friend (and apparently J.Lo, and you) had never heard of them. (This is no reflection on you, I might have been locked in a weird San Francisco folk music bubble before escaping back east a couple months ago.) I was saying during his whole song

…Friday Night Lights?

…Friday Night Lights?

In retrospect, the timing of these movies really primed all the girls in my elementary school-middle school class as hockey fans (also in SE Michigan, Erik)… By the time 1997 rolled around and the Red Wings made their first glorious Cup run (in my lifetime), we were well-versed in fictional hockey, which stemmed into

In retrospect, the timing of these movies really primed all the girls in my elementary school-middle school class as hockey fans (also in SE Michigan, Erik)… By the time 1997 rolled around and the Red Wings made their first glorious Cup run (in my lifetime), we were well-versed in fictional hockey, which stemmed into

Next season you mean, since that was 1968… The most shit-hitting-the-fan of years, and one I'm so excited to see portrayed on this show.

Next season you mean, since that was 1968… The most shit-hitting-the-fan of years, and one I'm so excited to see portrayed on this show.

As someone who just moved out of San Francisco back to the right coast, that line was spot on. I wore the same light jacket and scarf almost every single day of my 2 years out there. And always had a light sweater stashed in my bag. Because every morning and every evening it's the same fog on your way to and from

As someone who just moved out of San Francisco back to the right coast, that line was spot on. I wore the same light jacket and scarf almost every single day of my 2 years out there. And always had a light sweater stashed in my bag. Because every morning and every evening it's the same fog on your way to and from

I have only had a chance to watch the cold open, but can I just say that I would watch a million Welk Show cold opens if they would all end in Jon Hamm (or "Johnny Prosciutto"!) hopping around chasing bubbles.

I have only had a chance to watch the cold open, but can I just say that I would watch a million Welk Show cold opens if they would all end in Jon Hamm (or "Johnny Prosciutto"!) hopping around chasing bubbles.

It's true, I still use that line whenever I need to note the difference.

It's true, I still use that line whenever I need to note the difference.

As someone who just moved back east from San Francisco and is loving actual summer weather, the "have fun carrying a light sweater!" is probably the line of the year for me. Absolutely perfect.

As someone who just moved back east from San Francisco and is loving actual summer weather, the "have fun carrying a light sweater!" is probably the line of the year for me. Absolutely perfect.

I've barely said a-mah-zing all season!

I concur all around with this whole comment.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus Haha, sounds like what Perd Hapley would call a serial killer. "This just in - 'The People Murderer' has just been discovered to be the murderer of more people who are now dead."