
Whaaa, unfair. I want to see!

JVDB is a revelation in this. I don't know why I appreciate his willingness to (hopefully) caricature himself so much, but I do. He's the best part of every episode.

Yeah once the initial fun of the Clueless connection wore off, it just got weird and yet somehow also stale all at once.

Worse, Andy Cohen.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus It does cover a pathetic part of town, but for something that was known as the "People Murderer" when I was growing up in the suburbs of Detroit, it was laughingly clean. I was speaking lightly.
There are obviously terrible areas of Detroit, but in my limited,

She's the best CIA agent I know!

I dunno, last time I was in Detroit my sister and I got on the people mover at around midnight, expecting it to be kind of a dangerous thrill. But it was like cleaner, safer, and emptier than any other transit system I've ever ridden regularly.

I would just rather not have it anywhere near that hour of television. Because it's 30 Rock's final season, the channel isn't looking to grow the audience for it. I don't know what they're thinking with Up All Night, but I think pushing Community out of the Thursday night nest - yes, even to the "death slot" - is a

I had the same exact thought! I was watching it and thinking "so only winners get laid? Is that the moral of this story???"

In which we all take a deep breath and realize why NBC moved Community to Fridays. Sorry for freaking out on ya, Peacock - you don't have the best track record, but I'll admit when I'm wrong.

I remember thinking Tai asking for "herbal refreshment" was Tai asking for iced tea.

Think what you like, but I'm 99.9% certain that she was referring to jealousy, which led to shame, which made her go home and spray half a can of whipped cream into her face.

I enjoyed the constant reminder that it was 1994, because I feel like it wasn't written that way and he felt the need to keep mentioning it because he recognized how confused the audience would be without constant reminder.

He wrote the jokes!

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus I don't think he necessarily got the jobs "through" her - Second City people are all tight with each other, especially in the Lorne Michaels crowd. A clique within a clique, if you will. (And a clique I love.)

Bird Law in this country is not governed by reason!

@avclub-d398cfe88c1586d7b1722360d9ad3f00:disqus  I think that Season 3 of Parks is one of the greatest seasons of comedy ever produced. 
But, this is not to say that Season 2 was bad - including Sister City! "De Children, dey are so fat, like leetle baskeetbols."

Paul Rudd is awesome and all, but we've all had waaaaaay plenty enough of the "nitwit boss sort of leads hapless crew through semi-professional shenanigans" for one lifetime. (Die, Office, die.)

@Ghoulstock:disqus  @avclub-489acfbfa4d2424403acb81699170ac2:disqus  @avclub-f079b53bcfcde2c125cc74ced47bfbcd:disqus  @avclub-d783823cc6284b929c2cd8df2167d212:disqus For what it's worth, my low-level NBC Universal employee connection told me "I'm told it's a matter of money and I'm reassured it's in the bag. God I

I loved this, but what I'm really going to have to do is re-watch this after we know either way whether it was cancelled or renewed. I'll hopefully have processed my emotions by then.