
While I completely understand Sue's DIY personality makeover, I spent a distracting amount of time wondering "how does Sue get to watch TrueBlood?" The scarf really put it over the top for me, since that's like the scarf Ms. Stackhouse wears to hide her vampire bites.

First of all, excellent use of the word kerfuffle.

Going to need Jon Hamm to come in and say things like "…banjo."

This is why I'm fairly certain that they're only going to actually introduce the mom at the very, very end. It'll be a no-name actress, and their love story will be told in a 2-minute montage that winds up where it started - with 2 kids on the couch, looking annoyed.

I kept thinking of the Clorox ad, where it shows essentially the history of laundry and says Clorox bleach has been there throughout.

JEALOUS. That is all.

I said out loud to the empty room - Buddy? BUDDY!

@avclub-83a8faf1bfa2d87516f59a5a454a04cf:disqus Leslie perfectly imperfect. It's the opposite of boring.

I think that needs a qualifier. She dated early-seasons Andy. Late-seasons Andy is less ne'er do well mooch and more lovable oaf sorta putting his shit together ("…kinda, sorta," said the cable company).

Riggins should be everywhere and at all times.

I cheered. It's fine.

Except the following scene was so entirely awkward and cringe-worthy …

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus Awake has had some impact on society?

"Cece, the Jewish is here to make the sex."

What I especially liked about that moment was that earlier in the episode, I IM'd my friend and said "Russell and Ouli are going to either kiss or put out serious heat, calling it now," and they did exactly what had been telegraphed.

I'm always the "visitor" - I'm a Red Wings fan but as an adult (and a young one!!) I have lived in DC, Philly, Chicago, SF, and now Boston. I think this has de-sensitized me to watching it live, because the electricity in the building is always against me, unless I'm in Detroit obviously. As such, watching on TV is

Canadian or US dollars? Oh, right, it doesn't make a difference anymore.

The Blackhawks are losing! Said the vindictive Red Wings fan.

Are you including Duck in this assessment?

I don't think she was ever the straight-woman since even early on she would go insane whenever Dennis showed up.