
I'm a girl, and I LOVE Sunny. And my best friend is a girl, and she also LOVES Sunny. We put Dr. Mantis Toboggan as our emergency contact on the bib for a running race this weekend. That's how much we love it.

:( Now I'm sad. I miss you, Ted.

Probably, but I never even noticed because all I did was watch it and pretend I too got to spend the summer partying through Europe on yachts with Clooney and Pitt and Casey Affleck.

Kind of wish I had skipped the Red Wings' game for this. Kiiiind of. Stupid playoffs, amiright, @Scrawler2:disqus ?

I think you need more "The Soup" in your life. I believe this is how the rest of us know who people like Nancy Grace are - no actual watching of her show necessary, plus 100% more Joel McHale time!

Except that I liked Ocean's 11 and Ocean's 12 - Soderbergh's! - precisely because they were fun to watch because you could tell how much fun the actors were having.

Or maybe they're looking for wife #2…

Now that Happy Endings is over for the year and this show is now also excellent, can Coach come back to hang out for a little bit? (I know this is not how TV works, I just want my Wayans Jr. fix.)

I have two: Let Me Be Your Star and Crazy Dreams. I find the latter to be weirdly comforting to sing to yourself when you're stressed out, and requires no belting, which the neighbors probably appreciate.

Someone probably already mentioned it, but in an episode of amazing moments, one that stuck out to me was when Don corrected Cynthia's saying "Charles Whitmore" with a simple "Whitman." That one name that stands SO MUCH on that show. It was a perfect reading.

We're too busy saving Garrett!!

Thanks for the well-wishes. I have never been afraid of any animal until now - and I've been riding horses my whole life, and been on my fair share of asshole horses and fallen many times. This dog's assholery (he attacked like a demon) reaches new levels. Time for an apartment of my own (and I've only lived on this

Is your wireless router not outlet-powered? Sorry to point out a chip in the armor.

Me too :(

I know two people who are cilantro-averse. I immediately began to think less of them and we are no longer very good friends.

You're my new hero.

Yeah, after thinking about it I have decided that while I enjoyed the message of the episode, it just wasn't funny. But that's not so much the issue for me, as is that it felt like it was trying to be funny, but wasn't. It added a strain to the episode that gave it an awkward feeling and made me want to turn up the

@avclub-eee6e49e09ab1c283e2d7689d45a7b4b:disqus  @avclub-d89b833158f0d9a73fd33bb243fe5786:disqus  You'll figure it out. When I was 22 and had just graduated, my major relationship crumbled, I didn't get the dream job, and most of my best friends were headed to NYC to start their i-banking careers (this was 2006). I

My rage has subsided a little now that we've gotten 1 W, which everyone in Boston is reminding me makes our season thus far successful by comparison, but I'll be flying back to Ohio to slap him in the face myself if he continues to ruin everything.

As an Indians fan who also had her heart slowly ripped out over the game's last 8 innings after Masterson did so beautifully over the first 8, this is another reason to hate on Chris Perez. YOU HAD ONE JOB, PEREZ, GET THREE OUTS.