
While I stand by my assessment that this was perfect, I did want to say that I really thought that the episode was going to show the rise of Chang out of war-torn Greendale. But I guess that would have been too much for a half hour.

I LOVED IT. I was sitting in awe during the first act while my carefully cooked dinner was sitting in the kitchen getting cold. The episode was perfect. Perfect. And the pledge week tag made me cry with laughter - but as a former history major and daughter of highly educated liberals, I've seen more than my fair share

They film on sets right next to each other… His commute wouldn't change!

This week a bunch of my friends were suddenly like "I don't know why I like Smash, but I do." And I think that pretty much sums up my thoughts on the show. It's cheesy goodness and I thoroughly enjoyed the episode, although my temporary house-mate (now that I've switched back to the east coast) said "Oh, I feel a Glee

I thoroughly enjoyed the episode - and it made me laugh a lot, to the point that it was surprising to someone who wasn't too familiar with the show but did know it's a drama (I was watching it in my aunt's living room).

You mean "thank you," not "damn you" … Also, I'm not sure if you're aware, but you share a name with Brad's sweatpants. (He names what he names.)

Whereas yesterday I was having a weird time with New Girl/Bent universe cross-overs.

I really, really like this show! I like the actors, I like the characters, and I actively looked forward to watching these last night. My sister is visiting and we were laughing out loud the whole time (and she was laughing WAY hard at everything Tambor said; I think this is because she works in TV and lives in LA and

Well said.

^^This. I remember distinctly putting this on 6-episode probation at first, and now it's one of my fave's. I largely ignore Fox's marketing, so I wouldn't say it had any pre-judgement type effect on me.

As has been discussed previously, afternoon soap operas and Nickelodeon on American TV were considered trashy in my suburban Detroit home growing up. But the afternoon soap operas and wildly age inappropriate reruns of Degrassi on CBC? Culturally edifying.

It doesn't hurt. And actually, my sister came to visit/help me pack, and we re-watched these episodes and were laughing non-stop. There's definitely potential here. And attractive people.

Yeah, she looked bright orange.

I'll jar myself on that one.

1/4 of the NCAA Men's Hockey tournament teams are from Michigan: UM, MSU, Western, and Ferris State. Normally I'd pick one, but I don't care, I just want at least one of them to win at least one game. Because I want to remember what it's like for a Michigan-based hockey team to win.

I'm not usually one to weigh in on grades here, but this B feels like every time I ever got a B (or B+ or B-) during college. I had just enough hubris to believe I was in the right, and just enough ignorance (as a young person) to argue it. Well, I'm less young now, so I'm just going to say that I think this episode

I agree, that book was terrrrribly paced. The first book took me 4 hours to read, the second book took maybe 8 hours, and the third book took me six months. By which I mean the first half of the third book was so draggy that I couldn't deal with it for more than 2 pages at a time and then would put the book down for

The only thing that was boring about the whole series is the first half of the third book. I haven't seen the movie yet, but the books are most certainly not boring. They read too fast for you to get bored.

I love that we're at a place with this show where nothing huge has to happen and yet it's still a hilarious half-hour.

"Mistaken"? But wouldn't it kind of be a sort of porn for you guys? There's no shame in it, but at least admit it.