
It's in the zeitgeist!

I watched the pilot, then Happy Endings, then the second episode of this on my DVR. I liked it. It wasn't amazing, but it actually reminded me a lot of Happy Endings at the very beginning: the characters were all so obvious and pronounced that it bordered on grating. But on Happy Endings, those pronounced characters

I do agree. If I'm being honest I should include pretty much the whole cast of characterrs, except for JD McDick, his dad, Gracie Bell, and probably Buddy.

Yeah, a lot of people are comparing this show to Chapelle's show, but I think the reason that Key & Peele go even farther beyond Chapelle is that they have each other and *support* each other. I firmly believe that support is the basis of great sketch comedy. These guys learned that from their time in Chicago, and I

Theme night on FOX tonight: condoms on cucumbers.

Oh, I'm 28……. It'd be weird to date a Travis, it's weird to date like, 26 year olds. However, Travis is often portrayed as being at least as mature as any 26 year old I have dated recently… So I am unsure of how I'd feel about a Travis and Laurie. They might both average out to being a maturity age of 25, and that

^^^^^^^THIS. Bravo. Bravo. I bet Nick's deciding how to get back into law school by the end of the season.

Think he'll go back to law school now?

@avclub-49ca8bb433c049164d84c687442d319f:disqus  Haha, sorry, I just feel the need to explain (and explain, and explain) my semi-ironic thought process!

You know, I like your thoughts, even though I'm not sure I agree overall. However, I do agree with the issue of the plot contrivance, eg. the wedding or P&R's campaign. Such contrivances force the characters into certain roles that regular viewers grow tired of because they already know that those characters amount to

How old IS Laurie???

I said it at the start of the show and I'll say it again: these guys make me feel like I'm back at Second City, both as a student/performer and an audience member. The support they show each other is awesome and indicative of their training and chemistry. This show seriously takes me to the experience of being in the

I apologize for the tangent - You're a Giants fan who lives in LA? (I don't know how or where else to ask such things.) How brave. And as a girl who has adopted the Giants as a #2 team whilst living in SF through a championship year, I really appreciate your Buster/Beard avatar pic.

Uh, what world do you live in where Friday Night Lights doesn't lead to intercourse? With or without imagining Coach and/or Riggins as your partner?

Don't they have pretty legit pay-as-you-go phone plans now? ((Said the girl with an iphone on a family plan and a blackberry from work. Who is also spending the next month in her aunt's house so she can comfortably afford her on-a-whim (with no job change required) move from San Francisco to Boston…))

I agree! Usually I wait for Schmidt to steal the show, but here (and in the injury) it was the Nick show!

Amen, sister.

Rest assured, the Red Wings hate you too.

Further reminders of why FNL should have gone on and on and on and on forever……

Hot Dougs, I miss you and your duck fat fries. Such a trek but so worth it.