
@avclub-d301bce59916e4713089b7b3c335635a:disqus  You can't pretend it didn't happen. "Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it," etc. etc.


Or an "I Ross, take thee, Rachel" moment??

Why not? They blazed in the halls of Penn student housing.

See, I don't want to see her integrated because I know it'll be a let down to our expectations. I want a meet-cute and a "and that's how i met your mother." Cut to black. (Possibly play Journey.)

Highlights: "quinnsidiously" and "quinntessential"

@jerodast:disqus  Haha, you had to play the international card, huh? I see how it is.
Less is indeed more. But I'm still pathetic enough that I not only watched HIMYM, but also Smash. You're welcome, NBC. (I really, really hate packing.)

must… resist…googling…

But they doooo have internet if they are here, so if they need to watch something they could dig into something new on hulu or netflix.

Well, that's ripped from PETA. It is not a commentary on the TV show or its perception in the TV industry, and does not address @bromidestain:disqus 's question.

Well, if you're from Maryland, then there's that whole Maryland hates Duke thing. Even if you aren't a Terps fan, I feel like that's been in the Maryland Zeitgeist for awhile now. Or I just imagine it every time I go home, which means I might have a problem, since I went to neither Maryland nor Duke. (Fighting Quakers

My mom went to Duke and even she can't stand them.

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus  You made it happen! DUKE LOSES! Huzzah!!!

Sorry I'm like way late on this, but I just watched the whole series through this episode like, this week. Wasn't Edith like, in love with him before he died (or "died?") on the Titanic??? Wouldn't she be like, more familiar with him, even more than she was?

The only, only thing Todd didn't mention about Troy and Abed's meta-commentary was that, at the end of the episode, they decided to be weird again. It was a perfect little meta arc - let's de-whimsify, let's be normal for awhile while people don't understand that we're trying to be normal here, never mind - let's be

I'm so jealous you guys get to see this first.

@avclub-d89b833158f0d9a73fd33bb243fe5786:disqus  It's COMMUNITY DAY! That is gift enough.

Which would explain his mention of soccer…

Love it. Once sent the Community Season 1 DVD to a boyfriend while he was deployed in Afghanistan. Of course things are still terrible in Afghanistan and that boyfriend is now an ex, but I don't think the Community DVD is to blame for either of these things.

If I understood the promo correctly, I think they de-whimsified themselves. And I feel kind of bad because I always love Troy and Abed, but I agree with @avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus … They look sexy.