
Ugh, he seems like a nice guy, but Sidney Crosby ruins everything. 2009 Stanley Cup (he didn't even score in game 7 but I still blame him for it), Vancouver Olympics. Yes, that's everything.

Haha, excellent. Sorry, I'm a little too excited to begin another season of torture and heartbreak as a Cleveland Indians fan.

I'm a supporter of this show, but I have to ask who the hell is the trainer in charge? Honestly, under the charge of the same trainer, one accident is an unfortunate fluke, a second is terrible luck, but a third makes me raise an eyebrow.

Well, they've been married or together seriously for 5 years. But aren't they like 30-31? So there were clearly a couple of gap years in there. They probably dated in college, then had a couple of years off, and then got back together… I'm expecting the show to fill in the history for us at some point.

Ohh if you live in the DC area, the one good thing about DC area stations is that you also get Baltimore area stations. My parents live in Annapolis, and you get two of every network… It's fantastic for football options when visiting, I would imagine it might help avoid most preemptions as well.

mile-a-minute jokes are what differentiates this from the best. also what makes for amazing repeat viewing. there's always something new!

She could barely get that line out but it was hiiiilarious nonetheless

ahhhh, me too. But I had an awkward affair with that show for a long, long time. Like, dating back to "Degrassi Junior High" days. Which, come to think of it, my mom let me watch at waaaay too young of an age. I must have been watching reruns on CBC (I grew up in Detroit). Wikepedia says that Degrassi Junior High ran

Is it weird that I say that about people and things all the time now? And I'm a straight girl!

My sister had a paper route, and I remember it being a particularly stressful time in our household. Putting the papers into the bags was a particularly extra stressful element of the whole process. I also have no idea why she had a paper route, because it wasn't to earn extra allowance to buy night vision goggles.

Thank you. Will, baseball season starts in less than a month. Get with it!

I too hate most hot drinks. And I don't like milk unless I'm cooking with it.

My TV night: Downton Abbey, Cougar Town, Downton Abbey. The true Cougarton Abbey, y'all. Abed would be proud. I should really be packing. God damn.

I find your capitalization excessive, but your point good.

@avclub-5171864ab150444a2bcff2d4c52d3064:disqus I'm honestly confused as to why you think it's exploitative if the people are fully aware of the situation they are entering.
When they took an unwitting Emily to the track where her late fiance had crashed out (during Brad's season), that was an example of exploitation.

@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus  That's been my strategy so far! But it's rather frighteningly quickly becoming time to get real.

I wish there was a way to trade for HE in my Thursday block. @avclub-d89b833158f0d9a73fd33bb243fe5786:disqus   might be on to something, except that I find it impossible to resist a new HE. Even if I am moving across the country in like 2 weeks and need to start to pack instead of watching TV.

Right! I mean, every girl on that show should know to not get too invested, and also that the bachelor's choices are not legally binding. I think this was most evidenced by multiple girls telling Ben "if (when) it doesn't work out, call me!"

I think you read me incorrectly. Not one of the people on that show is exploited - as @avclub-aacfe532ad5037a09894ea841d6ff2ba:disqus said, they know what they're signing up for, they've had like 30 seasons of the show to understand what's going on. Don't feel sorry for these girls or feel the need to be disturbed.

We're up to season 3 now……. Sad, but true. Also a little awesomely trashy.