
I have such a crush on Jason Sudekis that this was actually weird to watch tonight. I wonder if it was a weird part for him to play as well. I'm guessing Cole won't factor in too much to the rest of the season… But I'm hoping I'm wrong just so I can see Sudsey on TV more than once a week during a J-Pop Wow! sketch on

Thanks to @avclub-e576423831e043f7928d9ac113abbe6f:disqus for taking the firstie spot here, maybe.

@avclub-432773124021b504983e853ed7588fa6:disqus His winemaking is all the talk here in San Francisco, and he doesn't own his own vineyard - but his partner is Michael Benziger, whose family *does* own a big winery in Sonoma. Since his appearance on "The Bachelorette," Ben's Envolve winery has gotten more popular. I

"Vulnerable" = 2 drinks
"Journey" = 1 drink
…most of us would be wasted after that, I think.

Oh my gosh, I had no idea it was an actual foundation - I knew there were some like it, but not that this was the actual thing. Thank you so much for posting the website. I'm definitely interested, plan to at least do a yearly sponsorship, and will be alerting all of my horse-y friends to it as well. One friend of

It's not the actual episode of the Bachelor that should be a top pick, it's the "After The Final Rose," where we get to see if they've broken up yet.

YES! This show is absolutely hilarious. Everyone - including the author of this column - needs to lighten up. It's a reality show. It has produced one(? I think?) successful marriage in its history.

No! He's poor man's Dax Shepherd!

Intentionally filming the death of a living creature to fulfill some people's weird voyeuristic urge is absolutely not the same thing as an accident that happens on a set, and it's egregious to suggest otherwise.

:-( Colic. Awful.

I don't know if this was intentional, but the Bay Area PBS aired a show called "Horses of the West" tonight, and it was all about therapy horses helping both inmates and children with disabilities, a la the ranch that Ace is now supporting. I found both that show and those scenes in this episode extremely touching.

I think that slow burn has been intentional… I think they engineered this show to creep up on us. I was always going to love this show - I like racing and I'm a rider and I like to think of myself as a television connoisseur - but I didn't feel compelled to watch it at 9pm on Sundays as it was airing (since the pilot)

I agree. I knew this was *the* episode, and I knew we weren't going to see it, obviously (one poster on this site seems convinced that this series is essentially a snuff film). I paid my respects to the poor horse who had an accident and had to be put down throughout the episode… But I still loved the episode.

I mean, I thought that too, "wow they do not have their act together," but as someone who has had to fight breaking many, many times (and not always won the battle), I can appreciate watching a show kind of fall to pieces. And I enjoy it, not in a schaudenfreude way, but in an "elite sketch actors! They're just like

What I loved about this episode was that it showed the players all having fun. In the J-Pop sketch, weekend update, C U When U Get There (he really was ahead of his time), and even in the Liza sketch where not only did Wiig break, but you could see the arm of a PA or something putting out the electrical cord - all the

King of Prussia mall!!!

Yay! How did they get you to watch it? I keep trying to evangelize my non-AV Club friends and I think I'm running out of attack angles. I don't know why everyone's so damn opposed to laughing.

Haha, yeah, I hopped on it to comment (about being previously unaware of the show's existence) a day late, and there were 11 reasonable discussions at the time. And it wasn't cute like the 12 of us who comment on The Middle (and for awhile there, Happy Endings).

Amazing, amazing sketches yet again with a bonus of one of the loves of my tv life, Ryan Hansen.

Don't get me wrong, I'm going to choose Happy Endings over New Girl every time… but HE hasn't ever made me tear up a little, and New Girl did last night.