
The throwback to the sweatpants named Karen made my night.

You are correct!

Exactly what you said, with the added detail that I had no idea that this show even existed until last night. Which is sad, because the other added detail is that I also have a star-crush on Harrison and I don't know why I didn't know about this.

We were talking about this on New Girl's post last night - HE is jokesjokesjokes, whereas other shows, even now New Girl, mix in some emotional moments but then have to sacrifice the jokesjokesjokes level of funny.

Duh, all vehicles are female.

Do we think that the embarrassment and critical dismantling of the abomination that was Work It! contributed to the quick cancellation? Because I think it factored in.

I believe it's the only one that they're DI in. All of their other sports are DIII. My flimsy-ass high school crew team beat their crew team on more than one occasion.

WHERE? Tell me - I'm about to move far, far away from this town but I need to know.

The Gaming Developers Conference is taking place a block away from my office. I'll let the next person I see wearing a Mass Effect 3 t-shirt (there have been a few) that this has happened. It's like a nerdsplosion happened down the block.

@avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus Yes, you're totally right! New Girl : Happy Endings :: P&R : 30 Rock

Eh, I agree with @avclub-eee6e49e09ab1c283e2d7689d45a7b4b:disqus  because it's not like the VIN isn't under his name as well.

And what about The Middle?

She was so great tonight I almost forgave her for standing up Ted Mosby at the altar. Almost.

BUT… you eventually caved. And realize the beauty of the title cards, I assume.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, changing the name of the show at this point is pointless. You'd do better to put together, like, a slideshow of the fantastic title cards and put it on ew.com or something else mainstream (I don't think AV Club or Vulture are mainstream enough, or obviously not since

I agree.

You make an excellent point. I still LOVE my HE crew and that show is indeed way funnier, but I haven't gotten misty-eyed at HE yet.

Eh, Kat McPhee is getting the sympathy points from me. But then again I'm a tall white girl also named Katherine. Life gets tough.


I was going to comment on how weird it was to me that I went to bed right after watching Luck on Sunday night, just to be jolted awake (in the city) by that 5:30 4-pointer in the morning. Maybe it's just because I've only lived here for a year and a half or maybe because it's because I was sleeping, but that one was